Ocarina of Time Chapter 39

 Chapter 39

Into the Desert

Great-winged beasts wove through the air, their bird-like features silhouetted against the star-studded sky. Their harsh screams were like those of an eagle, but only their heads and feathered forelimbs bore any resemblance to the esteemed creatures. As one of these beasts swooped towards a Gerudo, the warm glow of torchlight revealed a rider perched on the creature's back. The massive animal, its hindquarters resembling the body of a cat, tore through the air.

Then, only seconds after the bird had appeared, Link heard a distinct twang and a crossbow bolt thudded into the beast's ribs. The creature shrieked and flailed, trying desperately to gain altitude, and then slammed into the inner wall that ringed the fortress.

The sound of footsteps running up the stairs behind him spin Link turn around. Aveil reached the top and nearly ran into him.

"Stop gawking, boy!" she snarled. Any further words were caught in her throat as she grimly took in the fighting in front of them. "We need to keep moving."

"How do we get out of here?" Link said, trying to hide his dismay.

"Same way as planned," Halvard replied, coming up behind Aveil, sounding breathless. "Once we're close enough to the gate nearest the river, all we need to do is use the portal stone. Just stay close."

Shrinking back out of sight, Aveil led them into the shadows of a nearby section of the wall. They could still see the doorway they had come through off in the distance, but nobody pursued them. The main gates were choked with Gerudo as they rushed to attack the invaders, so Link's small party was left to find another route. He kept wondering why Kotake was no longer pursuing them. Had the Gerudo slain her? Before Link could contemplate this further, and as he crouched in the shadow of a storehouse, a harsh cry from one of the circling birds got his attention.

"What are they?" Link whispered to Navi, squinting as he tried to get a better look at one of them without breaking his cover.

"Griffins," Navi answered. "I never expected to see one."

"How about admiring them some other time?" Aveil said snappishly in a harsh whisper. "Right now, we need to focus on getting you out of here."

"And they think I'm impatient," Navi muttered.

Without another word, Aveil motioned for Link to follow and then dashed out from their meagre cover. They darted through a door and along a gallery. Carved screens depicting a latticework of intricately woven flowers separated the gallery from the courtyard beyond, hiding them from view. Before long, Aveil led the way up a flight of stairs and onto a lavishly decorated balcony that overlooked a throne of gilded white stone. It offered the king a view of a courtyard and the empty gardens where his people would have once gathered. The gardens were empty now, but the rise and fall of the sounds of battle suggested that this wouldn't be the case for long.

Aveil didn't linger. She waved for Link to follow and he let her guide him out of the king's courtyard, through a narrow doorway, and into another courtyard. Doing his best not to focus on the sight of the dead riders and griffins that lay on the cold flagstone, Link hurried after Aveil until they reached another building. It was a tall, but otherwise relatively small, stone structure, engraved with the figure of a woman in a modest garb, and flanked by columns decorated with pictures Link didn't recognize. As the trio reached this building, which Navi guessed was some sort of shrine, two griffin riders flew across the yard, forcing the group to take cover. When the riders had vanished into the night, Halvard motioned for Link and Aveil to keep moving.

Link kept an eye out for the witch as he ran, but there was still no sign of her. That concerned him. Would Kotake know they were headed towards the stables? If she did, her allies could be racing to cut them off at this very moment.

They finally reached the stables, only to discover that there were a dozen guards standing watch in the yard. Link reached for his sword, not seeing any way out of a fight, despite his desire to avoid one. Aveil held out her hand, gesturing for him to stay his blade.

He gave her a questioning look, and she shook her head subtly.

"They're on our side, and besides, I don't like your chances," she whispered with the barest hint of a grin, before walking up to the Gerudo. Their leader wore a necklace of precious stones and kept her hair down, unlike her sisters. She tensed at the sound of someone approaching but quickly relaxed when she realised it was one of her sisters.

"Shinju," Aveil called, holding out a placating hand. She gestured at Link and casually continued, "My  friend here needs a horse. Are they ready?"

"They are, Aveil," the woman named Shinju replied. She glanced questioningly at Link and Halvard from behind her raised veil. "Where is the other captive- the Sheikah?"

Aveil's brow knit in mild confusion. "You haven't seen her?"

"I'm right here."

Shinju cursed, drawing her two swords as Sheik materialized in front of the Gerudo. Shinju's companions muttered startled curses of their own, lowering their halberds.

"At ease," Aveil ordered them, gesturing for everyone to keep their weapons at rest. "She's on our side."

Shinju frowned, nodding at Sheik before sheathing her blades. "It is not wise to sneak up on a Gerudo."

"Nor is it wise to draw your weapons on a Sheikah," Sheik said flatly. She ignored the pointed stares from Aveil's guards and turned to address Link. "What happened? I almost came after you."

"The witches attacked us," Halvard answered grimly before Aveil could answer.

Sheik turned a questioning glare on the mask merchant. "I thought you said they were in Ganondorf's Tower?"

"They weren't fooled," Aveil said grimly.

"Where are they now?" Sheik demanded.

"Kotake killed Koume," Aveil said. "It went downhill from there."

"She did?"

"By accident," Aveil said flatly. "I do not know where Kotake went, but we can discuss this later."

Sheik nodded. Apparently deciding to let the matter drop for the moment, she turned to Link. "Epona's waiting for you, Link. Let's hurry."

Moving past Sheik and Aveil's guards, Link stepped inside the stables and was greeted with the familiar smells of straw, horse, and saddle polish. He looked around, seeking the sight of Malon's beloved mare. There were five horses in all. They whinnied restlessly, their ears flat as they eyed the intruders. Link had no doubt the battle raging outside had them on edge. The third horse in the row of stalls was Epona, saddled and laden with his saddlebag. Two more horses had been prepared for the journey and were also burdened with provisions. The Gerudo had taken great care to make sure their horses were well looked after; their water troughs were full, they had plenty of feed, and both tack and saddle were clean.

Shinju and Aveil stepped into the stable behind Link, conversing quietly. "We can lead you to the Northern gate," Shinju was saying, "but we cannot journey with you to the Desert Colossus. Not without arousing suspicion. Whatever your plan, make it quick."

Link didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation. His focus was on Epona as he approached her stall. She was staring at him oddly, ears flat and eyes wary.

"Hey girl," Link said as he approached her, puzzled by her reaction. "Epona, it's me-"

Without warning, Epona lashed out with one back leg. Link threw himself to the side, barely avoiding a blow to the head. He crashed into the hay, grunting as he landed on his side and rolled over. Epona neighed shrilly, and when he looked up, Link could see the whites of her eyes.

"Epona, what are you doing?" Link exclaimed, not understanding why the horse was acting so oddly.

"She doesn't recognize you," Navi said as Link scrambled back up and took a few steps back from the frazzled mare.


Then it hit him. The Gerudo mask. He was still disguised as a Gerudo.

Of course she doesn't recognize you, Link thought to himself, feeling utterly stupid.

"Idiot," said Aveil, echoing the voice in Link's head.

Link frowned. He wanted nothing more than to say a few choice words to the Gerudo, but he doubted that would be a good idea.

"I almost pity the stable hands," Navi said wryly. "They'll probably be glad to be rid of her."

"Over here," Halvard called.

He was scraping a bundle of straw away from one corner of the stable, uncovering a chest beneath it which he quickly unlocked. Link's equipment was inside, including the Master Sword still sheathed in its scabbard. Link approached the chest and grabbed the sword without unsheathing it.

Despite how much he had hated using the blade when he'd first received it, Link felt an enormous sense of relief to feel the sword's familiar weight. The gem was glowing faintly, but he surmised that was probably because there were moblins or bulblins nearby. Setting the sword to one side, he dug through his saddlebag and slipped Impa's ring on. He then located the Belt of Sages, his bow, and his quiver. The belt he noted was still missing the medallion of Water; he'd never had time to retrieve it from Ruto.

"Our absence will soon be noted," said Shinju, a note of urgency in her voice. "If you are to escape, we should leave now."

"I'm ready," Link told her. He strapped the scabbard behind him and turned to his scratched and battered shield. He considered grabbing it and leaving the mirror shield behind.

It's just a shield, he thought, looking longingly at the faded emblem of the phoenix on its battered frame. It might have been just a shield, but it had saved his life on more occasions than he cared to remember.

"I don't think carrying that would be a good idea," Navi whispered. "A Gerudo carrying a Hylian shield will not go unnoticed. Your disguise would be useless."

She's right, Link thought, feeling foolish that he hadn't considered that.

"Are you finished yet?" Aveil asked impatiently.

"Yeah, I am," Link replied, ignoring the Gerudo's harsh tone.

Link placed the Hylian Shield in the chest and returned to Epona. Determined as he was to escape, he couldn't help but feel a tingle of fear creep down his spine; there was a good chance he would be caught. He climbed into the saddle, feeling a surge of relief to finally be riding again. It wasn't enough to quell his fear; he knew that getting out of the fortress was going to be difficult, even on horseback. With a swift nudge to Epona's sides, Link rode, following Shinju and her companions into the night. Sheik, who was riding double with Aveil, was using the medallion to conceal herself so that it looked like Aveil was riding alone. Link marvelled that her horse wasn't the slightest bit perturbed by the invisible rider on its back. Epona would not have been so placid.

They rode in the open, through the yard, and on towards a gate. Link tensed as he rode past the guards who stood near their posts,  but their attention was elsewhere. They paid little mind to Aveil's company marching beneath the gate's wide arch and into the city beyond.

Once they were out of the main fortress and into the city, Link's party went slowly to keep pace with their guards. Some of the Gerudo doubled back to make sure they weren't being pursued, while others darted forward to scout ahead. Link's heart was somewhere in his throat - they were so close to freedom, yet not quite close enough.

Where were the other Gerudo? he wondered, noting that the usual patrols were now absent. He knew they were distracted by the invaders, but even then, the empty streets unnerved him.

"We're halfway there," Halvard called over his shoulder.

They turned a corner towards the wall when Aveil suddenly pulled her horse to a halt, one hand across her forehead as she grimaced in pain. The other Gerudo felt it too, similarly grasping their heads and bracing themselves, some nearly falling to their knees.

"Aveil?" Link heard Sheik ask. "What's wrong?"

Link reined in Epona, slowing down to help Aveil. Several of her guards were already moving towards the horse, but before he could reach her, Aveil waved them off, lowering her hand. Her face was hard. Angry. Her companions were regaining their composure, some using their spears for support.

"Shinju, check the way ahead is clear!" Aveil said sharply. Without a word, the other Gerudo nodded. Taking some of her companions with her, the Gerudo commander slipped off into the night.

"Damn it," Aveil hissed. "You'd think he'd be a bit more subtle."

"Aveil, what is it? What happened?" Sheik demanded, her voice urgent.

"He's here," Aveil spat, looking at the path ahead rather than at Sheik.

"Who's here?" Halvard asked, the colour rapidly draining from his face. He already knew the answer.

"Ganondorf," Aveil replied. "Any of his commanders within a few miles will have felt his message. We're out of time."

Silence followed. Link wanted to believe he had misheard her. His eyes wandered between his companions for some reassurance that it wasn't happening. No comfort came, and an icy knot formed in the pit of his stomach. If Ganondorf caught him...

No. He wouldn't let that happen, not when so much was at stake.

"Focus. Now is not the time to dwell upon your woes."

Courage's words.

Now really wasn't a good time, Link thought.

"Better than sounding like a bleating sheep that smells a wolf," Courage remarked.

"I did not sound like that!" Link thought back, irritated. He didn't want to have a conversation with a creature in his head. Not when he was trying to focus on what the others were saying.

"Hmm... either way, I can sense him too," Courage continued, not caring what Link thought of the intrusion. No matter. The plan is still the same. You are not ready to fight him yet, but you can escape still."

"Kotake must have sent him a warning." Aveil's anger was gone, replaced with worry. "That's why she didn't chase us after the other Gerudo held her off. I should have killed that damned hag while I had a chance."

"Link?" Navi called in a hushed tone. "Hey, what is it?"

Link shook himself from a daze, not aware that he'd clasped a hand to his head. "It's nothing."

He turned his attention to Aveil and Sheik, or at least where he thought Sheik was, seeing as she was still invisible.

"If Ganondorf opens a portal within the fortress to allow his minions passage, escaping may be problematic," Halvard was saying in response to something Sheik had just said. "Even small portals are dangerous at the best of times, but that won't stop him."

"Can we use the portal stone now?" Link asked hopefully.

"We're still too far away from the wall," Sheik answered, "If we hurry, we can still make it."

Aveil nodded and turned to her remaining guards. "I want you to follow us at a distance. If anyone catches us, you can approach from behind."

"If they are Blin?" one of the Gerudo asked, her veil already raised.

"Attack them. If nobody sees you, we can blame their deaths on the Mithirans," Aveil said.

With a quick salute, the remaining guards disappeared and Link felt more exposed than ever.

"Why did you send them away?" he asked Aveil.

"So Ganondorf doesn't know they were helping me," Aveil replied. "Come on, we have to move. Now!"

They bolted down the narrow street, exiting onto a wider road. However, much to their dismay, a horde of moblins marched around a corner. Their guttural voices rose in excitement as they spotted the escaping trio. Or what they thought was an escaping trio. Several roared and snarled as the shadowy forms of Gerudo leapt out of the darkness, their halberds and blades twirling in a dance of death.

Seizing the chance to escape, Aveil led the way down a different route, only to find more moblins. The hunters became the hunted as more Gerudo jumped from the rooftops and onto the street below, blades gleaming in the faint moonlight. The moblins shrieked and howled as they died, some panicking and trying to flee before the Gerudo could cut them down.

The Gerudo named Shinju reappeared at the head of the attack, shouting for Aveil to try fleeing down a third path. Aveil hastened for Link and Halvard to follow and they fled into the narrow street. It opened up into a plaza, leaving them with an almost straight run to the wall that overlooked the river.

"Almost there," Halvard yelled.

That was when Link spotted Kotake. She was flying towards them, flourishing her hand as she sent a stream of blue light shooting in their direction. He rose his shield, shouting a warning. The spell bounced off Link's shield, slamming into an unfortunate bulblin who was turned into the most grotesque ice sculpture Link had seen yet.

"Halvard, how about getting us out of here now!" Aveil yelled.

"We're too spread out. Get beside me!" he shouted.

Gerudo poured into the plaza, the faint light illuminating their veiled faces. There was no way for Link to tell if they were friend or foe, except for Aveil's word. Kotake swooped in front of him, her hand raised again. But the blast of ice never came. As the witch flew towards him, she suddenly fell from her broom and crashed to the ground. Her broom dropped after her, hitting the ground with a splintering crunch.

Stunned, it took Link a moment to realize that a single arrow had pierced Kotake's throat. The witch gasped horribly, her blood pooling on the ground. Link looked up at one of the nearby buildings. Moonlight bathed the tall structure, and there on the roof stood a single Gerudo, her face veiled, and a bow held before her.

Aveil and Halvard rode their horses beside Epona and came to a halt, staring at the witch. Could this mean the curse was broken, and the Gerudo were no longer brainwashed?

Shinju stepped into the plaza, regarding the witch with an expression of purest loathing. She raised her halberd as if intending to end the witch's suffering. The blow never came. Instead, Shinju lowered her weapon, turned her back on the witch, and strode away, leaving Kotake to drown in her own blood.

"Oh good. We are so getting out of here now," Aveil said with no small amount of sarcasm, looking at the witch's corpse. "We just killed the Twinrova sisters."

"Does that mean the Gerudo are no longer brainwashed?" Link asked.

"The spell will take a while to wear off. At least that's what Moriko told me," she said. She clasped her head again, grunting in pain and seething, "Besides. This bastard hasn't finished with us yet-"

Aveil glanced towards one of the empty streets branching off the plaza. Without warning, she jumped from the back of her mare and began to run towards the alley.

"Aveil, what are you doing?" Sheik yelled.

Aveil paused and turned. It was too dark, and she was too far for Link to make out her features well.

"I'm buying us some time," she called, the noise of the distant battle making it difficult to hear her.

She vanished down the alley, and Shinju followed close behind. As Gerudo and moblins marched into the plaza, Link realized there was no way out. A sudden chill crept down his spine, and the hairs on his neck stood up. He sensed Ganondorf before he saw him, a silhouetted figure clad in a long cloak. Link pulled on Epona's reins, allowing her to twist about, hoping to find somewhere that would give them a way out.

Nothing. Even as he considered pushing Epona through his foes, he dismissed the idea.

Suddenly, the plaza seemed too small, and everywhere he turned, the baleful eyes of Blin and Gerudo glared at him.

Trapped, he thought. We're trapped.

"You are a cub frightened of his own shadow, and I don't mean the cursed kind," Courage said, a little unhelpfully in Link's estimation. "Think. You may need more time, but you will escape."

"How?" Link said, aloud. Was that thing, whatever it was, going to keep making unhelpful comments, or was it going to actually help him?

"I am trying to help you. Wait until Aveil returns. The masked one can stall."

"Link?" Navi queried, unsure who he was talking to. "Hey. Now isn't the time to lose it on me."

Link looked at Sheik, or where he knew Sheik was, just in time to see her become visible. She cursed as whatever spell Ganondorf had cast sapped the power from her medallion.

Without warning, a blast of lightning went crackling through the air and into the ground beside Sheik's horse. The animal reared, screaming, and threw Sheik from the saddle.


Link jumped off Epona. Somewhere, Halvard cursed and yelled after him, but Link ignored him as he raced towards Sheik. His panic was unnecessary, he realised; Sheik quickly rolled to her feet, noticed him approaching, and then her eyes went wide in alarm.

"Behind you!" she yelled.

He spun around in time to see one of the Gerudo charging towards him with a spear. His sword connected with her lance, knocking it to one side. A knife buried itself in the Gerudo's shoulder, thrown from somewhere behind him. The woman faltered, and then, acting on honed battle instincts, Link plunged the Master Sword into her midriff.

Her eyes widened as she looked down at the gash across her abdomen. There was a brief flicker of astonishment as she recognized Link's blade and then the life left her eyes. Link stared, frozen and numb, revulsion welling up inside him. In his mind, he could still see the look in the Gerudo's eyes as the sacred blade struck her. The sword trembled in his hand. He had killed before, out of necessity, but this wasn't just some monster that Ganondorf used for his own purposes. She was a person with a family and loved ones. In that regard, she was not so different from him.

He vaguely heard Navi say it wasn't his fault, but he didn't answer her. His stomach heaved, and he scrambled desperately to yank the mask off, tearing it off his face and throwing it to one side as he vomited over his boots. His legs nearly gave out, right over the pool of sick.

"Shake it off." Courage's words were harsh now. Annoyed. "Don't give him the pleasure of seeing you weak or you do us both a disservice."

"The first time is always the worst." Ganondorf's voice was almost casual.

Halvard and Sheik came to Link's side, both looking aghast. Not quite heeding Courage's words, Link remained stunned, unable to believe what he'd just witnessed. He had just murdered one of Ganondorf's own people and yet Ganondorf sounded as though this was no big deal. Did the King of the Gerudo really have such a disregard for the lives that served under him? Some of the Gerudo were looking uncomfortably at Ganondorf, and Link wasn't the only one taken aback; some were looking at him with expressions of outright hostility, which they quickly hid when he turned in their direction.

Ganondorf regarded the corpse of the witch for a moment. "Poor Kotake. You were always overconfident. Perhaps when I finish reviving you, you will be more careful." He looked back up at Link, his cold eyes boring into Link's own.

"Halvard, why isn't the stone working?" Sheik whispered. "I can't stop him like I did last time. Not with the Gerudo protecting him."

"I don't think they're all protecting him," Navi said quietly.

"Either way, he's blocking the spell," Halvard whispered. "We're trapped."

"Ah, where are my manners?" Ganondorf drawled. "Welcome, Hero of Time, to my fortress." He looked from Link to Sheik with a twisted, unpleasant smile. "I must say, I am rather surprised to see your Sheikah friend still alive..."

Ganondorf trailed off, his eyes turning from Sheik to Halvard, and his expression grew darker still. His next words were for Link. "You, Hero of Time, have something that belongs to me. I will make you a deal: give me the Triforce of Courage, and I will spare your life."

"What kind of deal is that?" Link spat. "We both know you're lying. You proved that seven years ago!"

"Well then, if you're going to be disagreeable, we can do this the hard way."

With a snap of his fingers, Ganondorf gestured for one of the moblins to come forward. It was holding a small figure in its grubby hand, its claws digging into the flesh of her arm. It was enough to draw blood and elicit a gasp from the young girl as she was thrown roughly in front of Ganondorf, where she lay sobbing into the dirt.

No, Link thought, the bottom dropping out of his stomach, his blood turning cold. The girl was a Kokiri.

Ganondorf hauled the girl to her feet by her hair and she cried out in pain. Navi gasped. Sheik swore. Torchlight flickered off the Kokiri's pale and childlike face. Ganondorf's sword was held beside her. The Kokiri whimpered and Link's insides knotted in sickening horror. He knew what Ganondorf intended.

You sick bastard, Link seethed, almost taking himself by surprise.

Link's horror subsided when he saw the girl's pleading eyes, tears leaving tracks down her dirt-smeared face. Instead, all he could feel was the same fury he felt towards Dark Link when the demon massacred the Zora at Lake Hylia.

"Be cautious. You haven't learned to use your gift yet." Courage's warning was clear, but Link paid the voice little heed.

"Let her go," Link growled, a reckless fury building inside of him.

Before Link knew what he was doing, he took a step towards Ganondorf. Sheik stopped him, grabbing his arm and offering the smallest shake of her head.

"Or just ignore me," Courage lamented, annoyed once more. The Triforce mark on Link's hand was burning again, and something urged him to seize control of it.

"You ought to listen to your betters more often, boy," Ganondorf said, his voice growing dangerous. "Drop your weapons and I might consider sparing her... or I can let the Blin have her."

This provoked another sob from the girl, and Link tightened the grip on his sword, all too aware of how it shook in his grip.

"The gods will curse you if you do this!" Halvard warned him.

Ganondorf gave a harsh bark of laughter. "Curse me? Bah! To hell with the Goddesses and your pathetic faith!" Rage built in Ganondorf's voice, his weapon still poised to strike. "They already cursed me! They have cursed all the Gerudo! For generations, my people have struggled to survive, cursed with a blight that makes nearly every male child stillborn. Your race almost wiped out the Kokiri and what did the Goddesses do? Nothing! I raised an entire kingdom to the ground, and did they intervene? No! They don't care about Hyrule. Fools! All of you! They mean to destroy this realm, but I can stop them!"

"You don't know that," Halvard retorted. "You don't even know if your attempts to prevent Hyrule from being destroyed are what caused the flood in the first place!"

Behind Ganondorf, something was happening. The Gerudo were whispering amongst themselves, their eyes fixed on their king. Their looks had gone from hostility to outright loathing.

One of the Gerudo bravely stepped forward, stopping a few feet from Ganondorf.

"Let her go, Ganondorf," she said, her voice firm. It was Shinju. "Now!"

Link had no doubt Shinju's lack of formality was intentional- she didn't see Ganondorf as her king. Ganondorf seemed taken aback by her actions, his eyes widening slightly. It was as if a spark had been lit, the torch cast into the haystack, and the embers of discord burst aflame. More Gerudo stepped forward, their weapons drawn. Ganondorf stiffened, his eyes darting between the Gerudo as they formed a circle around him. Their blades weren't pointed at Shinju. They were pointed at him.

"What... What is the meaning of this?" Ganondorf demanded. He sounded stunned, confused even. There was a sound of more blades being drawn, and soon Blins and Gerudo were staring down the shafts and blades of each other's weapons, murder in their eyes.

Link didn't like where this was going; he could feel the tension between the Gerudo and Blin as it boiled. There was hatred in the eyes of some of the Gerudo and some of the Blin shuffled back uneasily.

Holding her halberd warningly in front of her, Shinju grabbed the Kokiri girl by the arm and pulled her to the side. Ganondorf's eyes flashed with anger, but he did not move to stop her, nor did he stop the Gerudo who dashed to Shinju's side to grab the Kokiri. Perhaps he was too stunned to do anything, taken aback that his own people were openly defying him. The Kokiri girl whimpered, sobbing and clutching the cloak of her rescuer, who quickly melted back into the crowd.

"You..." Ganondorf's eyes burned with fury, his mouth a flat line. "This is treason," he spat, and then for all to hear, "I am your king! What is this? Everything I have done has been to preserve our people!"

Before anyone could move, one of the Gerudo slipped through the crowd, her face veiled. There was a sudden glint of metal shining in torchlight and Ganondorf's eyes bulged. Shinju stepped back, her mouth open in shock.

Ganondorf looked down, his expression stunned, his fingers moving to touch the sharp steel that protruded from his chest. He touched the tip of the scimitar, as if unable to convince himself of the reality that he'd just been run through by one of his own people.

"You were a good man once, Ganondorf Dragmire," the Gerudo said fiercely, and Link recognized Aveil's voice as she ignored the commotion stirring around her, "I would have found your words sincere, once, but I know them for what they are."

"You stabbed me?" Ganondorf gasped, spitting blood. "Why?"

In response, Aveil wrenched her sword free, and then with her free hand, she shoved Ganondorf forward, letting his body topple onto the sand-smeared stones.

"Because I'm doing what you could not, I'm saving our people from this madness," Aveil replied. "You are no king, Ganondorf Dragmire. Not anymore."

Ganondorf didn't move. He was gone. Dead. Link was so stunned, he almost forgot to breathe.

A strange hush fell over the gathered crowd while the Blin muttered guttural curses in their native tongue. Scuffles broke out and some of the Blin tried to run forward, only to find a halberd lowered in their path.

At that moment, one scuffle turned deadly, and a bulblin screamed as a Gerudo thrust a knife into his belly. In that instant, the tension in the air snapped like a broken cord. The bulblins and moblins charged. The Gerudo answered with halberds and swords, and all the while, Aveil stood at the centre of the tempest of steel, looking stunned at what she had just done.

Griffins circled above, Mithiran riders, who had been watching the rebellion unfold, dispersed and flew beyond the wall. Did that mean they were retreating?

Link didn't give them a second glance. Some of the bulblins broke off from their fight with the Gerudo, charging right towards his small group. Scimitars flourishing, Aveil jumped in front of Link. She slew one bulblin, blades twirling as she struck another. She had separated herself from her kin and now stood alone. One spear hit its target, slicing open her thigh. Aveil screamed, twisting around and slashing her sword through her attacker.

"Aveil!" Sheik yelled, snatching a bow and quiver from Link's now deceased attacker.

"Go!" Aveil shouted, her voice thick with pain. "I'll hold them off! Just get to the temple and find Nabooru! I'll manage the rest!"

She turned around, scimitars dancing through the air as she hacked through a moblin and then swung her blades into the neck of another. Her attacks were getting slower, and several of her sisters rushed to help her. Sheik fired arrow after arrow, each one striking an eye. More Blin were rushing forward, and Link yielded to Courage's demands that he grasp its power. Instantly, his movements became more fluid. He ducked, slashed, hacked, taking down the Blin who charged him. If the others were surprised that he was using his blade so effortlessly after being imprisoned, they didn't show it.

"NOW!" Halvard yelled.

Sheik's horse had bolted, but Halvard summoned his own with a whistle. They quickly gathered close to Sheik as she sent another shaft flying into a moblin's eye.

Halvard said something, and a ring of yellow light surrounded the pair. As he did, Link spotted Ganondorf's body and noticed the gauntlet on his left hand was glowing. A second later, the Gerudo king vanished. Surrounded by Blin that came rushing forward, the Gerudo only slowing their progress. Link found himself back to back with Sheik. She had dispensed with her bow, her knife cutting a bloody line across a Blin's throat. Epona kicked, smashing the skull of one unlucky Blin. Her front hooves then lashed out, knocking over a second.

Link saw a lone bulblin split from its companions, ignoring him. The Gerudo hadn't seen it. Nor had Sheik. Link cried out a warning, twisting around to aid her, but Sheik's attention was focused on kicking away a moblin's spear. Link punched the bulblin trying to stab him and snarled as another took its place, its sword cleaving towards his torso. He flicked the weapon aside, kicked his assailant and then slammed the Master Sword into its gut.

Sheik still hadn't noticed her assailant. She tore open a moblin's throat as it tried to spear her. The bulblin charged. Link leapt to intercept it.


Then everything turned into a blur. Not focusing on what he was doing, the tenuous thread that was Link's ability to channel Courage broke, the shock nearly toppling him over. The stone in Halvard's hand glowed, and the fortress vanished. Moments later, the world came back into focus as the portal stone brought them out of the fortress. Sheik buckled, her weight slamming into Link. He caught her, and it was then that he saw the blade protruding from her stomach.

Next Chapter


Lord Darth Yoda chapter 39 . Jan 19, 2015

Great escape for the heroes, I enjoyed seeing a confrontation with Ganondorf. Nice use of the immortality shield for him too, forgot about utility until now.

ZadArchie chapter 40 . Aug 4, 2017
A thousand apologies for letting this get behind. I honestly have no excuse other than laziness. However, jumping back in, there has been a lot that's gone on in the past five chapters. Ruto still remains a personal favourite of your portrayal of these characters. Her tenacity and coy humour are an absolute delight. Still, the team's experienced a lot of losses, and everything seems pretty bleak. I'm afraid time travel stuff does sometimes go over my head, so I'm not entirely sure I follow all that's going on with Halvard talking about Hyrule's destruction and how he's tried to prevent it. Eh, I'll get there eventually.

This last chapter alone had quite a few surprises. Ganondorf's dead, or possibly dead. The witches are gone, and will Sheik survive? Well, now that I'm good and on the edge of my seat, I look forward to the concluding third of this work.

 SunPraiser31 chapter 40 . Feb 11, 2017
Well, Ganondorf's obviously not dead, but the Gerudo have finally snapped out of his spell! A lot of his power is gonna be gone now, so that's a huge win for Link and Co! Not so big is that Sheik just got stabbed there at the end. Wouldn't be a solid chapter if someone wasn't greviously injured or knocked out, right? Can't have our characters getting too complacent!

Good chapter as always, I'm about 2/3 of the way now, and it's been steadily picking up! I'm eager to see how you handle the ending.


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