Ocarina of Time Chapter 44


Chapter 44
A Demon in Kakariko

Nabooru led the way back through the Spirit Temple, with Link and Sheik almost running to keep up. The trek back to the entrance was uneventful, for they encountered no traps, monsters, or magical apparitions of any kind. Nabooru did frown when she saw the tiny markers Sheik had carved into the walls but said nothing.

"Did you bring horses, or did you use the portal to get here?" Nabooru asked as they entered yet another lavishly decorated corridor with tiles featuring flowers and leaf motifs. The side rooms appeared to be designed for pilgrims. There was a dining hall, a library brimming with scrolls, and dormitories. Link only got a fleeting glance at them, for Nabooru did not pause.

"We brought horses," Sheik answered.

"Just as well," Nabooru said. "I do hope Aveil was more accommodating when you met her."

"Actually, she threw us in a cell," Navi said.

Nabooru pursed her lips, unable to conceal a faint scowl. "Well, I'm sure that won't happen again." She slowed down, glancing sideways at Link, her expression curious. "Just how did you escape?"

"We used a portal stone," Sheik explained. Much to Link's relief, she didn't elaborate on his disguise.

"Ah, I should have guessed," Nabooru replied. "You're lucky it wasn't on my watch. If I'd  wanted to keep you prisoner, you'd still be there."

"We had help," Link admitted. "Some of the Gerudo were freed from the curse. Aveil was one of them."

"I know," Nabooru said.

"How?"Link asked, unable to hide his confusion.

"The witches, or rather their phantoms, wanted me to help exterminate the rebel Gerudo." Nabooru grimaced, her expression growing hard. "I swear that man is going to pay once we get out of here."

She sounded as though she wanted to storm Ganondorf's tower and confront him herself. Link didn't entertain the thought. He knew how that would end. Nabooru probably knew well, but she didn't admit it. Without both himself and the full power of the Sages, Ganondorf was still out of their reach, and there was still one last Sage left to find. The Sage of shadow.

Since Shadow was most commonly associated with the Sheikah, Link guessed that the final Sage would be a Sheikah. That left two people who could be the final Sage: Impa or Halvard, unless it turned out they were someone from a remote Sheikan settlement outside Hyrule's borders, which didn't seem likely. Link would have been surprised if Rauru appointed the Mask Man to be the next Sage of Shadow. All of the Sages, except Rauru, were revered leaders of their people, and Halvard seemed content to remain a creepy merchant turned spy with an unhealthy appetite for clandestine arts.

Link knew that Impa had been a leader amongst her people, and he guessed that she became their leader after her assassination of the former Gerudo king. That puzzled Link; by failing to kill Ganondorf, Impa had disobeyed her superiors. If the Sheikah knew the Gerudo prince's fate, he doubted Impa's failure would have gone unpunished. What had happened to Impa after that night, and why did she try assassinating Ganondorf, only to spare him at the last moment? It was a decision that had sealed Link's fate, sending Hyrule towards a path of destruction. Perhaps something else had motivated the Sheikah to assassinate the Gerudo king, and the prophecy was used to justify the murder... Had that been what made Impa pause and question the High Seer's judgement? What else could have motivated the Sheikah to kill the Gerudo king? Link shook his head, unable to sort out his thoughts as fatigue settled on him like a lead weight.

"You all right, kid?"

Link was almost startled when Nabooru spoke. She had paused, leaving Link to nearly run straight into her.

"I'm fine... I was just distracted, that's all," he assured her. "It's nothing."

Nabooru didn't look convinced, but she nodded and then gestured for Link to keep following her.

They entered the temple's central chambers and discovered several Gerudo standing just inside the door. They must have been expecting trouble, for their veils were raised. However, the moment they saw Nabooru, they gaped and lowered the cloths from their faces. Link recognized Shinju immediately; she was the only one with her hair down, which seemed more common amongst the lower ranking Gerudo.

"Nabooru," she gasped, astonished.

"Hello, Shinju," Nabooru said warmly. "It is good to see you."

"We have dearly missed your counsel," said one of the other women. "Aveil should be here with the others shortly."

"Who else rides with you?" Nabooru asked.

"Aveil commands an entire company. We weren't sure what kind of trouble we'd run into, knowing the kind of sorcery Ganondorf has dabbled with," Shinju explained. "Once we secured the fortress, Aviel had the other Kokiri brought here. She said you, or rather these two-" she nodded towards Link and Sheik "-had the means to activate the portal outside and send them home."

"We do," Link said, feeling a rush of gratitude towards Aveil and the Gerudo who followed her. This meant that his oath to the Great Deku Tree was finally fulfilled.

The Kokiri are finally going home, he thought, brimming with a sense of relief and happiness that seemed both foreign and strange.

"They will be well on their way now. Once our scouts reported you'd already arrived at the temple and they hadn't encountered any traps, Aveil ordered us here."

"What did you plan to do if you couldn't find us?" Navi asked.

"We would have secured the fortress and sent a message. The temple could accommodate us for a time," Shinju replied before turning back to Nabooru. "It's been seven years, Nabooru. What happened? We thought you were dead."

"Will you lead us again?" another Gerudo asked.

"Will we march the spears?"

Nabooru rose a hand to stop the storm of questions. "It will take more than two stupid hags to kill me," she answered. "I will answer your questions, but first, there are some things I must attend to," Nabooru paused and then gestured to Shinju. "Take me to Aveil. There is much I need to discuss with her."

Shinju led the way out of the temple, with Nabooru and their small entourage in tow. More Gerudo were marching into the front plaza of the temple.

Nabooru paused at the temple's wide steps, eyeing the broken wreckage of the beamos.

"Guess you didn't like our sentries, huh?" she asked casually, nudging a piece of the wreckage with her toe and flicking it. "You know, a friend of mine claimed she blasted one of these things with its own beam, using nothing but a pot lid."

"A pot lid?" Link repeated, more than a little doubtful.

"Yeah, I know. I'm pretty sure she was drunk at the time."

"I thought Gerudo didn't drink?" Navi piqued quietly, aware of the guards spreading out around them, their attention directed towards the grand archway.

"Traditionally, we don't," Nabooru corrected. "But I wasn't the only wayward youth who snuck away from her betters and went sightseeing at a tavern or two." She noticed Zelda's flat, unamused stare and added, "I wasn't that wayward."

"Of course," Zelda said, her tone clipped. "I believe we have more company," she gestured to an approaching Gerudo who sat astride a black horse.

At the sight of Nabooru's small company, Aveil dismounted and waved off offers of assistance as she braced herself against her steed. Her leg, Link noticed, was bandaged, and she leaned heavily on the spear that was offered to her. She strode forward, and Nabooru quickened her pace to join her beside the dais. Aveil greeted her former queen in their native tongue and Nabooru answered her before clasping shoulders with the woman.

"It has been too long, Nabooru," Aveil said.

"It's good to see you too, Aveil," Nabooru said. "I am glad you managed to talk some sense into the other councilors and force Ganondorf to abdicate."

"There wasn't much diplomacy involved," Aveil said flatly. "Unless you count being stabbed."

"So I heard," Nabooru said dryly.

"I am sorry that it came to this," Aveil offered more solemnly, her voice so soft that Link barely heard the words.

"Ganondorf chose his path," Nabooru said quietly, her expression growing cold. "The man I knew is long dead, Aveil, as is the kingdom he fought for."

Aveil looked troubled by these words. Her eyes widened a little, and she swallowed. "Of course," she said, almost hoarsely. "Shall I have refreshments prepared in my tent?"

"I could do with something other than roasted leever," Nabooru said with a slight smile. "Yes, some tea would be most welcome."

Two Gerudo quickly hastened away to carry out Nabooru's request.

"Tell me, Aveil," Nabooru said once the others had departed. "Is it true Ganondorf survived after he was stabbed?"

"How did you know that?" Aveil asked in surprise.

"Wait... Ganondorf survived?" Link blurted before he could stop himself.

The two Gerudo glanced at him, Aveil with narrowed eyes. Link swallowed.

"He's a sorcerer, kid, refusing to die easily is one of their more annoying talents," Aveil told him without humour.

Link knew the news should not have come as a surprise. Halvard had suspected that Ganondorf couldn't be killed so easily, and neither Sheik nor Nabooru were convinced he was dead. Still, a part of him wanted to cling to that belief that he'd never have to face the former Gerudo King.

Only the Master Sword can finish him. It had been a foolish hope.

Link hardly noticed Nabooru and Aviel continue their conversation. Aviel gestured to one of her guards, and Link was taken aback when several Gerudo appeared; ushering forward a bedraggled group of Kokiri. Their faces were haggard, dirty and sunburnt. Many of them appeared confused, some staring at their captors with wary expressions. They were quiet, far quieter than they should have been, many huddled close together.

Several Kokiri noticed Navi hovering beside Link and pointed at her, speaking in hushed tones. Their own sprites hovered beside them. Some of them recognized Navi and greeted her. They sounded more relieved than confused, probably because they'd seen her back in the fortress. Link spotted a few familiar faces amongst the Kokiri, but he was unable to spot anyone that he knew well. To his immense relief, the girl who Ganondorf had used as a hostage stood amidst the gathered crowd. One of the boys at the front, who was just a head taller than his kin, stared at Navi and then at Link.

"Why do you have a fairy?" he piped up, curiosity shining in his eyes. "What's her name?"

"Navi," Link answered. "I met her in the woods."

The boy looked at him as if weighing the truth of his words. "Are we really going home?" he asked. "Saria said she'd find a way, but she disappeared. Some of the others did too."

"I know," Link answered. Seeing the boy was uncomfortable, and knowing his scarred appearance probably wasn't helping, Link knelt. "Saria sent Navi and I to help you."

Link saw no point in confusing this boy by explaining that he also grew up amongst the Kokiri.

"She did?" the boy asked, a flicker of hope lighting his blue eyes. It was an unusual color for a Kokiri. "How...how do you know her?"

"Navi introduced me to her," Link said, gesturing at Navi. She didn't chastise him for lying, even though Link half expected it. "What's your name?"

"Fado, from Bando Grove," the boy answered. He shared his name with Fado from Link's home. Fado looked back at the portal, appearing afraid. "This portal will really take us back?"

"Really," Link replied. "I promise. All I have to do is make it work and you'll be back at the Sacred Forest Meadow."

Fado looked at him and smiled. "Will you come with us?"

Link's heart ached. He wanted to return to the forest and see Forenz and the others. He wanted to tell the Great Deku Tree, or rather his successor, that he had done what the Great Deku Tree asked. One look at the expression on Sheik's face, once again passive and hard, told him that he wouldn't be going back. Not yet; he still had a job to do.

"Not right now, but I'll come as soon as I can." He held out a hand.

Fado hesitated and then shook it. "Thank you..." he paused, frowning. "What's your name?"

"Link." Link almost winced, wishing he'd held his tongue. There was no doubt that his name, and his infamy at failing to save the Great Deku Tree, was not forgotten. Many of the Kokiri wouldn't forgive him. If Fado connected the dots between him and their forest guardian's demise, he gave no sign of it.

"Link, we need to get moving. Aveil says there is trouble near Kakariko," Sheik murmured quietly. "I will help you see the Kokiri home, and then we must head there."

Even though fear stirred inside of him, Link nodded, doing his best to remain calm. He didn't want to frighten Fado or the others, though it was doubtful the Kokiri were as timid or go lucky as they were before their capture. Despite his efforts, Link wasn't able to stop the trickle of dread he felt, knowing that something was wrong. Courage's familiar voice told him not to dwell on his fears, and it was then Link realised he was staring for too long. Fado was beginning to look confused.

"Gather your friends. You should be able to step onto the portal twenty at a time," Link told him, breaking the awkward silence. "Once you arrive at the forest meadow, don't linger on the dais. Head into the forest temple- you'll find the others there."

"Thank you, Link," Fado said.

Fado turned to speak to his kin, talking in native Kokiri. The others all looked at Link with wide, inquisitive eyes. Then, after a gesture from Fado, they began marching onto the dais.

"You should do the honors," Sheik said.

Link nodded, his throat tightening and eyes prickling with tears he refused to shed in front of Sheik. He had to be strong.

"Thanks," he managed hoarsely.

He stepped on to the dais and turned to face Fado.

"Ready?" Link asked him, pulling the ocarina from his pocket.

"Ready," Fado answered.

"I'm going to step off the dais before the portal activates," he said. "Make sure the others stay in position."

Fado nodded, and Link began to play the ocarina, blowing into the mouthpiece as his fingers tapped to the melody of Minuet of the Forest. As it did, the portal hummed, coming to life, and upon that cue, Link stepped off the platform. Several Kokiri cried out in shock as blue flames licked the rim of the dais.

"It's alright," Link said, loud enough for his voice to carry. "Just stay still."

He saw Fado wave in farewell, and then he and the others vanished in a bright flash of light.

The remaining Kokiri gasped, some murmuring and others sounding afraid. Reassuring them, Link gestured for the next group to gather on the dais. They did.

Once the last group left, Link could barely believe it. He was sore and exhausted, but he'd finally done it.

"I told you that you would," Navi whispered.

"Yeah," Link replied, wiping a stray tear from his cheek, unable to contain all his emotions. "You did."

He hardly noticed Nabooru step beside him, gazing at the portal. "That was a good thing you did, kid." She clapped him on the back, smiling. "Gather your horse. You still have one more Sage to find."

"What do you plan to do now?" Link asked her, turning to see the other Gerudo were watching him as they began moving their horses into the temple grounds.

"Me? I intend to leave Aveil in charge as a regent," said Nabooru. "She will rally our people and sign a treaty between us and the other kingdoms. She's already sent word for our people to leave the occupied Hylian settlements and flee Ganondorf's tower if they haven't already."

Link wasn't sure what a treaty was. He made a mental note to ask Navi later.

"A treaty will be difficult," said Sheik. "I will do what I can, but I fear the resistance will be fierce."

"I know," said Aveil, her lips thinning. "King Nohansen invited us into his home, and on the night we celebrated the Nine Kingdoms' unity, he was butchered. Humans of all races are not quick to forgive or forget. This will be a difficult task."

"One I intend to accomplish," Sheik answered.

"I am certain you will," Nabooru said. "I will go to the Sacred Realm soon. I won't keep Rauru waiting long."

"Make sure that you do not. It's the only way to keep this temple safe," said Sheik.

Nabooru nodded. "I understand."

Sheik gestured for Link to follow her to the stables so that they could retrieve their horses.

When they entered the stables, Link quickly remembered what Sheik had said about trouble brewing near Kakariko.

"There was a raid," Sheik explained after Link asked. "Aveil doesn't know any more details other than the attackers were undead."

"Undead?" Navi asked. Link's elation died as it was washed away in a wave of dread.

"Whatever happened, the attack was widespread," Sheik said grimly.

That didn't sound promising at all.

"Is that why Halvard didn't come back?" Link asked.

"Most likely," Sheik answered, still sounding troubled. "What caused them to appear now, I am not certain. Aviel said the attack was repelled, so it probably wasn't Ganondorf."

With that less than comforting thought, Link led Epona out of the stables. Nabooru stood beside the dais, her spear raised in salute.

"See you soon, kid," Nabooru called out to him. "Take good care of him, Sheik."

Sheik merely nodded.

"I think she likes you," Navi whispered to Link.

Link was glad it was dark because his cheeks and ears burned like they were on fire. "Thanks," he said through clenched teeth. He hoped Sheik hadn't heard that. She had guided her horse onto the dais and was waiting for him. Courage had heard though, for Link could feel amusement flowing through the faint threads of awareness they shared.

Focusing on the dais, Link dismounted and took a firm hold of her reigns. Epona might spook when the dais activated, despite having been on one before. Handing Sheik his ocarina, he whispered a few soothing words to the horse.

"It's about time I got you those carrots I promised," he said, petting her flank.

Sheik's tune, haunting and unfamiliar, drifted into the night. As it did, familiar blue flames erupted around them.

Epona jerked her head, ears going flat. Link held her reins tight, keeping his hold firm and stroking her mane.

The world spun until the stars became a dizzying array of white streaks across the sky, and a bright light enveloped everything.

As the spinning subsided, the air became icy. For a second, Link was sure Sheik had accidentally sent them to one of Hyrule's snow-clad mountains. As the world came back into focus, his breath misted in the chill air.

It was snowing too. He'd never known it to snow in Spring.

There was a spike of alarm through Link's bond, followed just as quickly by a note of caution. Something was wrong.

Disorientated, his ears still ringing from the swift leap across Hyrule, it took Link longer than it should have to realize what was going on. Epona was pulling and tossing her head, seemingly upset about being flung so many miles in an instant. It didn't occur to Link that she was far more upset than on their last trip by a portal. At least, not immediately. Link looked down at his tunic, brushing the grey flakes.

He took a closer look at the powder on his gauntlet and frowned.


"Kakariko is attacked," Courage warned.

Link's heart sank, dread gripping him as he spun to behold a sight he'd hoped to never witness again. A red glow lit the night and fires crackled in the distance.

"Oh no," Navi gasped.

Kakariko was indeed on fire. It was another raid, and judging by the harsh cries of ReDeads, it was exactly like the one Aviel had warned them about.

The iconic windmill was a raging pyre of flames burning high into the sky. The air was growing thick with smoke and burning embers rose like a swarm of fireflies. Debris rained from the windmill's sails as the flames consumed them.

The scent of smoke, combined with the harsh sounds of combat, grew too much for Epona. She reared, twisting like an animal caught in a trap, and then flicked a hoof towards Link's face. He stepped aside to avoid the glancing blow.

"Saria gave you her power for a reason. I suggest you use it," Courage told him.

Not hesitating, Link drew on the Forest Medallion, directing his thoughts to the frazzled mare. He was suddenly barraged by her own panicked thoughts of "Danger! Flee!" and they nearly overwhelmed him. Her thoughts were a storm, and he was but a solitary figure shouting to the heavens.

"Epona! Calm down!" he thought, a command shouted into her mind. Just like that, Epona's thoughts settled, and the horse stopped fighting her lead rope. Link released the flow and shook off the spell of vertigo that hit him.

"What did you do?" Sheik asked. She seemed stunned for an instant, then she quickly turned to her horse. "Never mind, come on!"

Link threw himself into the saddle as Sheik leapt onto her own steed. Epona charged forward through the frigid and chaotic night. Before they even made it halfway back to the village, he heard brick and mortar quaking. It was low and soft at first, impossible to hear over the fighting within the village. With a loud snap, one of the windmill's sails succumbed to the fire and broke away, hitting the ground with a crash and hurling a flurry of embers into the sky.

Then Link saw the windmill teeter forward. The structure groaned, and with a thunderous roar, wood splintered and snapped, brick crumbled, and the entire mill came crashing down. Screams followed, both from the living and the undead, and a wave of hot air rushed over Link.

The horses approached the final corner amidst the rock-strewn path, entering the village. The houses nearest to them were up in flames and some had already collapsed. As they approached the burning wreckage, Link saw prowling figures lurking amidst the wreckage.

Navi recognized the gaunt monstrosities instantly. "Stalfos."

Sheik quickly dismounted, steering her horse behind the rocks before flattening herself behind a boulder.

"Sheik," he hissed, getting close to her. "What are you doing?"

She took out the ocarina and replied, "Make sure nobody notices me."


Link was confused, but he quickly realized what Sheik was doing when she began playing the Song of Storms.

People and undead alike paused in a moment of bewilderment as clouds started to amass in the red, smoke-clad sky. Link took that opportunity to jump from his cover and send a blast of fire into a ReDead lumbering towards someone as they backed against a wall. The Redead shrieked and burned. Unfortunately, Link didn't hit the Stalfos that was also racing towards the ReDead's would-be quarry. The person cowering by the wall screamed in terror as the monster rose its blade-

"HEY!" Link bellowed, sprinting away from Sheik and towards the scene.

The Stalfos paused, turning just in time to see the Master Sword carve straight through the air and into its face.

The terrified woman picked up her tattered skirts and fled, not even bothering to give Link a backward glance. Someone else was screaming nearby, but their attacker heard Link's shout. Three Stalfos answered his challenge with a clamour of steel. Link cleaved through one skeleton's vertebrae and sent another undead searching for its head. He quickly kicked the hapless monster in the ribs, knocking it over before he spun around and hacked another Stalfos in half, leaving it resting in pieces. By then Sheik had joined him, and they stood back to back in the midst of the storm, smoke billowing around them.

"I think they noticed you," Sheik said, no doubt unimpressed that Link had jumped from cover.

More creatures were coming now. People were shouting and running towards the trail leading up Death Mountain while soldiers formed a line between them and their attackers. Amidst the confusion, almost no one paid a second thought to the Sheikah or the green-clad Hylian caught in the middle of the living dead.

"Navi, watch our backs!" Link yelled.

Navi nodded in a wordless reply and sprung higher into the air.

As five Stalfos tried taking him on at once, converging from either side, Link stepped forward, away from Sheik, and twirled the Master Sword in an arc. He felled three undead in a single arc, brought up his shield to deflect a blow from the fourth, and slashed the fifth through its spine. Without realising it, he seized Courage's power, and just as before, his moves felt more instinctive than before.

Somewhere, Link heard a familiar battle cry. He spun to see several Gorons charging into the village, battering the undead aside. They swung their hammers to and fro, shattering Stalfos and reducing ReDeads to silent husks. Link rushed to help them. Not that they seemed to need his help. Encouraged by the sight of the burly mountain folk, soldiers in Hylian armor rushed to join the foray. A single ReDead decided to take on a Goron rather than try and flee. Before it got a chance to break its remaining teeth on the Goron's hide, a hammer belted the decaying husk, sending it into the mud.

"Stupid beast," the Goron growled.

His companion looked up to see Link hacking at another skeleton, and seeing the green-clad Hylian, he bellowed a greeting.

"It's Brother Link!" the Goron cried.

The others joined in with cries of, "Hooray! We're saved! Dodongo Buster has saved us!"

Suppressing another groan, Link snarled as he dispatched another Stalfos. Sheik's face was still veiled beneath her white garbs, but he was certain that she was smirking, even as she kicked away a redead and sent her knife slicing through the neck of another.

The Hylians, who were a good distance from Link, glanced at each other. However, they weren't given long to ponder, for bony fingers and limbs burst free from the muddy soil. Stalfos after Stalfos emerged into the night, shrieking as they broke out of their earthen tombs, bony hands clawing the air, snatching. Soft earth shifted and bubbling as the undead forced their way into the world of the living.

A single Goron left his companions, ambling almost leisurely over to Sheik as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. He casually swatted a single stalfos to the side. It didn't get up. "Sheik, Link?" he greeted them cheerily. "It is good to see you both!"

"Jemite?" Sheik asked. "Where is General Toru or his captains? Have you seen them?"

Jemite never got a chance to answer. Or if he did, Link never noticed. A strange droning noise caught his attention.

What is that?

It took him a moment to pinpoint the source of the strange sounds, but when he did, he realized it was coming from inside Kakariko's well. Bits of burning timber lay amidst soot-covered rubble strewn about the well's perimeter.


He knew there was a seal on the well, but until now, he hadn't given any consideration to its significance.

"Navi, can you hear that?" Link asked as his companion joined him.

"Yeah, I can." Navi gazed in worry at the well. The ominous droning was getting louder. A warning from Courage told Link they were in trouble. Something terrible was coming.

Link took a step towards the well, but Sheik threw an arm out to stop him.

"That better not be what I think it is," she said slowly.

"Knowing our luck," Navi said with no tiny amount of sarcasm.

"What is it exactly?" Link asked.

"You don't want to know. Just stay back. If anything comes out, run and find Impa or Halvard." Her voice was hard.

"What... I don't understand-" Link began. "How am I supposed to find them in this?" He gestured at the surrounding chaos.

"Just do it!" Sheik turned, looking worried. "Jemite, get your people back! There's something trapped in there, and when it gets out, you don't want to be near it."

The Goron obeyed without question, barking orders to his comrades.

Sheik took a few tentative steps towards the well, firelight flickering on her face, revealing a look of dread. That was just as unsettling as finding Kakariko swarming with undead.

The buzzing sound rose in volume, as though there was an enormous hornet's nest inside the well, and somebody had just kicked it. Then, a thick black cloud burst through the seal, shattering stone and flinging debris high into the air. The entity, if it was even one, resembled a thick plague of flies. Voices whispered from within the dark mass, speaking of blood, hatred, and a desperate hunger.

Sheik craned her head upwards as the demon began taking form. In the glow of the fire, Link watched as it morphed into a shape resembling a human torso, its short arms ending in two bloody stumps. Where its neck ended, there was a large, bulbous eye which twitched as the beast took in its surroundings. It was beyond grotesque.

Then, two hands formed on both sides of the creature, somehow moving without being attached to its stumps.

What the hell is that thing? Link wondered, wishing Navi could tell him.

"A beast I once thought gone from this realm," Courage said. "A manifestation of evil born of the chaos that was the Sheikah's fall."

"How do we stop it?" Link thought back.

Courage's answer was lost to him, for Link's attention was turned to a sudden motion from the creature. Its hands moved as though attached to invisible strings. One opened, whipping straight towards Sheik. She ducked, knives in hand, but even then, two ghostly fingers plucked her off the ground by one leg, throwing her into the air before catching her and shaking her like a ragdoll. Sheik yelled, slashing frantically at the creature's fingers.

"LET HER GO!" Link bellowed, leaping after her and missing. The demon simply ignored him, its single eye focused on Sheik.

The Gorons roared a challenge, and Link heard someone shouting orders. The Hylian soldiers had managed to kill most of the remaining undead separating them from him and Sheik and were now advancing. Some of the men were pointing at the demon, while others notched bows and took aim.

An arrow whizzed past Link, striking the hand holding Sheik, the weapon's shaft no bigger than a thorn compared to the monster's hand. Link ran forward, just as Sheik heaved one knife into the hand's palm, twisting and shoving it as hard as she could. The creature dropped her, and she slammed into a brick wall with a crunch. She went down limply, falling like a sack.

Link's breath left him.

"Sheik?" he asked weakly. She didn't move. He called out more urgently. "Sheik!"

Several of the Hylians were already running towards the fallen Sheikah, giving no heed to Link, and Jemite followed in their wake.

"It's coming back!" Navi yelled.

Link looked towards the beast. Its form had already dissolved, and this time, the entity was shooting straight towards him like a thick cloud of black insects. Trying to draw it away from Sheik and the injured, Link sprinted out into the open, sword at the ready. As he'd hoped, the creature came after him, tearing through the air. Knowing he could not outrun it, and now a good distance from everyone, Link braced himself and held his sword so tight that his fingers hurt.

Courage beckoned to him, but not thinking, Link channelled Light into his sword and charged with an angry snarl. It was a stupid move, but by the time he realized his error, it was too late.

The monster slammed into Link's shield with the force of a rampant bull. He hit the muddy earth, a spasm of pain rippling through his chest, his ribs cracking upon impact. Gasping, he tried to roll onto his stomach and bring himself to his knees. Somewhere nearby, Epona shrieked. There was a thunder of hooves as she galloped off into the night, fleeing like the demon king himself was after her. The shadow beast engulfed Link, plunging him into total darkness. A peculiar sensation ran along his skin, as though he'd been plunged into an icy pond and was now being pulled slowly under.

Link wanted to scream as the shadow further smothered him, his left hand burning with pain. He tried in vain to draw breath, but it was as though something cold was pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. Smothering. He couldn't breathe. With a jolt of horror, Link realized the creature was drawing energy from him. He sought the Triforce's comforting presence and felt something stir inside of him as it answered his call. He could sense it now, a light amidst the darkness. He clung to it, clutching it as though it was the only thing that stood between him and drowning in a storm. The creature's hungry murmurs grew louder. It cackled in excitement, certain of its triumph.

"I haven't come this far, just to get killed by some mindless beast," Link thought savagely, "and I am so done with getting knocked senseless..."

The creature cackled, its insane laughter rattling in Link's mind.

Shut up! Link thought, but even as he did, his frustration yielded to a familiar terror, one that would not be ignored, despite his every effort.

Link felt his tenuous hold on Courage's power slip, and the world grew colder still.

Damn it, he thought.

All he had to do was use Courage, and he would be free of the beast's grasp, but it was like trying to swim to the surface of a murky river, the light above growing ever more distant.

Link's lungs screamed for air, but he still couldn't breathe. Focusing as hard as he could, Link drew on Courage's power. He didn't hold back this time, but rather allowed it to surge through his body. It was too much. Far too much. A flash of green light burst across his vision, and as the light dimmed, Link beheld an impossibility. A tall Hylian stared down at him with burning white eyes, standing only a few feet away, his features eerily similar to Link's own. The figure's hair was almost grey, a few shades lighter than its tunic. Stripes of blue and red warpaint decorated its cheeks and forehead. The strange warrior regarded Link, nodding in apparent acknowledgement and then turned to regard Link's foe. The warrior stretched out a hand, and Link didn't hear the words it spoke.

Whatever was said, the demon screamed in rage and pain, its oppressive weight lifting, and then the figure that was so like himself vanished. Link sucked in air, blinking. He crawled towards the Master Sword, his limbs feeling like lead as he moved forward.

He managed to lift his head enough to see Sheik was standing, her gaze directed towards him, several guards standing near her side. The demon retreated, its angry howls retreating into the night. The remaining Stalfos turned, saw their master flee, and took flight. The few ReDead that remained were not so fortunate, and their never-ending torment was brought to a quick end.

As Link's fingers finally clung to the Master Sword's hilt, his vision blurred. He struggled to take in the air, and despite the fires raging around him, he shivered violently.

"Stay... awake... damn it!" he grunted, more to himself than anything or anyone else.

"You did well," Courage congratulated him. "Just try not to faint in future."

Link grunted in reply. He could hear muffled voices, but couldn't make out any words as darkness claimed him. His head hit the Master Sword's hilt with a painful thump.

Next Chapter


ZadArchie chapter 45 . Sep 23, 2017
To be fair, I did read up on the game while reading this story to familiarize myself with the characters. So the surprise reveal of who Sheik was didn't catch me off-guard. Still, interesting. I really liked the scene where Link and Zelda went through the various gates, learning about Ganondorf's backstory. That helped me really start to understand him as a character. I was also glad to see Nabooru again. She's been one of my favorites. And so, the saga still continues.

 SunPraiser31 chapter 45 . Mar 13, 2017
It's about time the Kokiri went home. Link's thoughts on that seem conflicted. He knows he can't go back, but the way some of his thoughts are worded makes it sound like he still hopes he can one day. It's kinda sad to see him in denial like that, but it makes him feel a lot more realistic. Your characterization for him is superb. Much more relatable than nothing but "HYAAA" for hours straight.

And here we see the noble hero getting knocked out yet again lol. He's gonna have some memory problems if he keeps this up.
HelixHero chapter 45 . Sep 8, 2015
Sorry, I was on vacation with no WiFi. I am reading now and I think that you've improved a lot.
 Shaveza chapter 45 . Jun 21, 2015
Even Link's noticed he faints a lot. But honestly, considering how much experience he's getting is such short order and never getting the chance to really process those experiences for later...well, I saw that's pretty normal.

The tension's pretty high! That's a good thing, really. I'm glad to have caught up with the story too.


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