Ocarina of Time Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The Curse

Link stared into the yellow eyes of the man atop the black steed. A fairy was screaming for him to run. He wanted to flee, but his limbs would not obey. So he stood there, rooted to the spot as those amber eyes burned into his soul.

The black horse shifted its hooves, turning its head as the man peered at the terrified boy. Link's fear seemed to amuse him, for he smirked and raised his hand.

Dread welled up in Link, for he knew what was coming; the dream always ended the same way.

Not again, he thought. Please, not again.

"Hey, wake up!" came the fairy's shrill shout. Link barely heard it.

The fairy screamed, diving to block the ball of lightning that flew towards Link. He looked away and felt a soft thump as the fairy fell against his boot. Against his will, his eyes were drawn to the grizzly sight that awaited him. The fairy's charred and broken body lay in a pool of muddy water. Its dazzling ethereal glow, once so bright and full of life, was fading.

"Link! Wake up!"

The disembodied voice came from everywhere. The gem on the rider's glove glowed, and a flash of lightning crackled towards Link. The terrified boy opened his mouth in a scream that never came, and the man's cruel laughter chased him into darkness.

"Wake up!" the insistent squeak of a fairy came again. "Hey, wake up, sleepyhead! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to you."

His mind desperately clawed its way from the stark terrors of the dream and back to reality. Link moaned softly, the incessant screeching pounding through his skull. He rolled over only to feel something smack the side of his ear.

With a swift flick of his hand, he slapped it.

There was a squeak and a loud indignant, "Ouch... how rude."

Half asleep, Link groaned as the persistent sprite tried to wake him up again.

"I am not moving until you wake up! This is urgent!" she exclaimed. "Can Hyrule's destiny really depend on such a lazy boy?"

As drowsy as he was, those words managed to catch Link's attention. "Hyrule's... destiny... what?"

He opened his eyes, and blinking sleepily, took in the sight of his room. He was half expecting to find Mido or Forenz with their fairy beside him, but there were no other Kokiri. Link's gaze settled on the fairy flying up and down in front of him.

"You're finally awake!" the sprite squeaked. "Are you okay? You looked like you were having a bad dream."

Link blinked, caught in a daze, confused. An odd sense of foreboding that he couldn't quite shake off left a sour feeling in his gut. The fairy bobbing up and down in front of him was the same fairy from his dream.

Recalling her broken and twisted body lying against his muddy boot, he shivered, feeling suddenly cold.

"Uhh... You awake now?" the fairy asked when Link continued to stare, her tone becoming uncertain. "You can stop staring at me like that. Hasn't anyone taught you it's rude to-"

"Who are you?" Link asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. The fairy looked none too pleased by his interruption.

"My name is Navi," she replied, offering a small curtsy, "And you must be Link?"

"What are you doing here?" Link asked, rubbing his eyes and looking up at her. "Did someone send you?"

"The Great Deku Tree sent me," Navi explained calmly. "He has appointed me to be your guardian fairy."

For the longest time, Link just stared at her, not comprehending what she'd just said. Slowly, it dawned on him; she'd just said she was his guardian fairy. He nearly pinched himself, thinking this was either a dream or an elaborate prank. He half expected Mido to jump out from behind the door and say, "Ha, ha. Tricked you, fairy-less!"

He would do something like that, Link thought. Seeing the concern on Navi's face, he blinked, rubbing his eyes,  but sure enough, she was still there.

"A Guardian fairy," he repeated slowly, unable to believe what was happening. "Really? As in my own guardian fairy?"

"That's right," Navi said with a little nod. "It's nice to meet you, Link."

Link laughed and let out a jubilant whoop, barely resisting the urge to scoop her in his hands. As if certain she was about to be squashed by accident, Navi leapt away from him, but Link only lay back on the bed.

"Finally!" he yelled happily to the ceiling, oblivious to the startled sprite. "Wait till Mido sees this! Wait... I have to tell Saria-"

He jumped up, breathless with excitement. He had to tell Forenz. He had to tell everyone. Oh, they weren't going to believe this!

Having recovered herself, Navi coughed and glowered with impatience, waiting for Link to sit back down and behave himself. Seeing this, Link perched on the edge of his bed.

"Navi," he said, a little confused by the sprite's lack of enthusiasm. There was a slight uneasiness to her posture and she kept glancing at the door. His soaring enthusiasm went crashing earthward as he sensed that all was not well. "Is something wrong?"

There was an odd stillness to the air as Navi seemed about to say something but then decided against it.

"Look," she said, sighing and flying a little closer to his face, apparently convinced he wasn't about to grab her, "I know this must be exciting and all, but we have to go to the Great Deku Tree. He'll explain everything."

"But-" Link stammered, now really confused.

"Right now!" Navi repeated with a faint scowl.

"Am I in trouble?" he asked. Why else would the Great Deku Tree summon him? It was rare for the Kokiri to speak directly to the Great Deku Tree. If Great Father required something of his children, he would normally summon one of the shamans, Kokiri gifted in earth magic, who could speak with the spirits that shared their woodland home.

Navi looked startled. "What? No." She paused, hesitated, and then quietly added, "No, you're not in trouble. It has something to do with that creature you found last night."

"Oh," Link said, finally piecing together some of what was going on. That made sense.

There was just one small problem.

"How am I going to get into the glade?" he asked. An ancient wall separated the Great Deku Tree's grove from the rest of the forest- a mass of moss-covered stone blocks that rose as high as Link's treehouse. Nobody could recall who had built the stone wall, and ordinarily, Link could have climbed over it if he really wanted to. He had climbed to the top before. That was easy. But that had all been before that undulating mass of creepers had taken over the wall, after that star had fallen from the sky. Every effort to clear them had failed, with the vengeful plants trying to strangle anyone who went near them. Almost all the entrances to the glen, some formed by thoroughfares, others formed by gaps in the stonework, were impassable now. 

Come to think of it, Link thought, If the only risk was getting attacked by a deadly plant, then maybe Mido would let him pass.

"We'll manage," Navi said, sounding quite certain of herself. "So, shall we get going then? Why don't you grab a bite to eat, but make it quick..." her eyes scanned the shelves along the wall of Link's small dwelling and then his small table. "And while we're at it, I got you a little something too."

Navi drew his attention to the sack on the table, zipping around it. Until now, Link had been too focused on Navi to pay it much attention.

"What's that?" he asked.

"A gift," said Navi, her voice lightening as she spoke.

Curious, Link snatched up the bag. It was surprisingly heavy. With no regard for the fragility of its contents, he tipped the bag upside down, and something slid out with a dull thunk. His heart skipped a beat as he beheld the hilt of a sword. He withdrew the sword from its sheath, marvelling at the gleaming blade that hummed free of the scabbard. He'd seen a weapon like this before, amidst the wreckage of an abandoned campsite in the woods, dull and rusted by the elements. It had presumably been left by an ill-fated traveller. Relics that came from beyond the woods was considered bad luck, so he'd gotten rid of it. 

"Wow," he breathed in awe. "A real sword."

He ran a finger along the cold steel, accidentally nicking his finger. "Ouch... it's sharp!"

"Of course it's sharp," Navi rebuked him as if this were the most obvious thing in the world. Her words stung, which Navi must've noticed, for she flew over to Link with a small sigh. "I'm sorry... are you okay?"

"Yeah," Link said. It was only a tiny cut.

Focusing back on the sword, Link gripped the hilt, getting a feel for the blade. He cleaved it through the air with an enthusiastic swipe.

"Really?" Navi chided, sounding exasperated. "Now isn't the time!"

Link stepped into a mock battle stance and then swung again, accidentally upsetting a clay pot that was sitting too close to the edge of a shelf.


Navi did not look amused. She stared at the broken pottery and then at him. "The Great Deku Tree?" she reminded him curtly. "Once you're done breaking things, grab your slingshot and hunting bow." At Link's questioning look, Navi added with an exaggerated sigh, "Just get ready. I'll be waiting for you outside... what is that smell?"

She was eyeing the basket of dirty laundry. In his defence, it was only a small pile now. With a sigh, Navi zipped out the door, leaving Link staring after her. He shook his head. Everything was happening too fast. He'd been summoned to the Great Deku Tree, given a fairy with no patience, and told to arm himself with every weapon he owned.

Link started getting ready. He swept the broken pot underneath his bed, certain Saria wouldn't notice it. He was just pulling on a fresh tunic when Navi peered around the door.

"Ready yet?" she asked.


Navi seemed pleased with this and resumed her vigil beside the door. Link donned the rest of his gear, stuffing his slingshot in Saria's bag. Wolfing down some food, which consisted of some sour fruit and berries, he stepped towards the door.

"Finally," he heard Navi sigh with relief. "Now are you ready?"

Link ignored her, scratching his messy blonde hair, and then froze. Something was missing.

My hat.

He ran back inside to get it, earning an audible groan from Navi.

"Hurry up!" she exclaimed.

Link found his hat beside the bed and jammed it on. By this stage, Navi was peering through the door again. She spotted two bottles of fairy tears and told him to grab them.

Link joined Navi on the balcony, refraining from asking any more questions since this seemed to annoy her.

As always, the village was busy in the early morning. Kokiri greeted each other from the walkways in the trees above while others sat against tall trunks, finishing their breakfast- a simple meal of fruit, nuts, and goat's milk.

Link hadn't meant to sleep in this long.

Oops, he thought. I hope Saria's not mad at me.

She wouldn't be. Not when she saw his fairy.

Some of the younger Kokiri were playing with a ball of stitched-together animal hide, their faces decorated with pigments of brown, rust red, and dark green. The village was more crowded than usual, with many Kokiri from elsewhere in the woods now moving into the grove.

Further along the path from Link's abode, Saria herself was walking towards him. She'd already spotted Navi, for her eyes widened with curiosity. Having hoped to surprise her,  Link was a little disappointed. Navi probably wouldn't have agreed to the idea of hiding, anyway.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Saria called out.

Clambering down the ladder, Link met her at the edge of the weed-choked path.

"Hey, Saria, guess what?" Link beamed, hands clasped behind his back as if he were hiding something.

"What?" Saria asked, offering him a curious smile. Navi's frustrated groan caught Saria's attention, ruining any semblance of surprise.

"I have my own fairy," Link announced, flourishing a hand at a grumpy-looking Navi.

"A fairy?" Saria gasped. "You have a fairy? Oh, Link... I knew you would," Link's heart swelled with delight at Saria's beaming smile. She looked ready to pull him into a hug, but before she did, her eyes fell on Link's sword. She must have mistaken it for Forenz's workmanship, for once she realised it was real, her face was incredulous. "Where'd you get that?" With a suddenly suspicious tone, she asked, "Did you find it in the woods?"

"No. Navi gave it to me."

"Really?" Saria sounded dubious as she glanced between him and Navi.

"The Great Deku Tree wanted me to give Link a sword," Navi explained.

"I'm going to see him now," Link said, too excited to notice Saria's confusion. He did notice Navi fold her arms against her chest and tilt her head towards the Great Deku Tree.

Is she always this impatient?

Saria noticed too. "You seem rather flustered, Navi."

"I-" Navi began with a clear note of anxiety. "We can discuss it later. Right now, we need to get to the Great Deku Tree."

The tension in Navi's voice dampened Link's spirits, as did her latter remark. A cold and uncomfortable silence hung in the air, and Link exchanged glances between Saria, her fairy, and Navi.

Something unspoken seemed to pass between Saria and Navi, for the latter nodded and then turned to Link. "Come on, let's go. Mido won't be pleased to let anyone through, but I'll make sure bossy boots keeps in line."

Eager to show off Navi, despite his misgivings about her, Link bounded towards the trail that led to the Great Deku Tree. It was a short walk from the village, the rocks and wooden totems on either side of the path carved with a dazzling display of coiling serpentine motifs, leaves, handprints and tiny animals.

"Slow down!" Saria called, but Link was already well ahead of her.  In his excitement, he hardly noticed the withering and dying vegetation, or the creepers snaking their way up trees, their leaves crisp and black, as though burned. Up ahead loomed the old wall. The old stones, which looked to have been placed there by the hands of giants, were now choked with a tangle of thorny, flesh-like vines, not unlike the one's he'd seen in that little cave.

As he approached Mido, Link was amused to see that Mori was nowhere in sight. He grinned from ear to ear, earning a suspicious stare from the older Kokiri.

"Hi Mido!" he said cheerily, earning an even more suspicious glare.

"Well, you're in a good mood this morning, aren't you?" Mido said with a sneer.

"I'm off to see the Great Deku Tree," Link told him, beaming.

"This again? Uggh...," Mido folded his arms, one foot tapping the ground. "Look, are you deaf as well as stupid, Mr-No-Fairy? I'm only going to say this once more. You can't see the Great Deku Tree! Can't you see those creepers?" he pointed at the pulsating vines behind him. Close up, their resemblance to thousands of writhing snakes made Link shudder. He hadn't been this close to the wall in a while, and he didn't recall them looking quite so sinister or large. "Now stop pestering me," Mido continued, drawing Link's eyes away from the weird vegetation, "and go play in a mud pit or something... Oh, Saria, what are you doing here?"

"Hello, Mido," she greeted warmly, stepping beside Link.

Mido's eyes darted between the other two Kokiri. "Can you tell me what's going on here? Link's claiming the Great Deku Tree summoned him."

"He has summoned Link, and I'm going with him," Saria replied crisply.

"What?" Mido exclaimed. "Why would the Great Deku Tree want anything to do with him?"

Link did not fail to notice the emphasis on that last word. Before Link could come up with a retort, Navi came out of his pocket to see what the holdup was. Mido, who was rarely at a loss for words, was shocked into silence. He looked at Link and Navi in disbelief.

"Navi?" he asked incredulously, and then, staring at Saria, he asked, "What is she doing here?"

"She's Link's fairy, Mido," Saria said, smiling.

"Why would..." Mido stopped mid-speech, having just spotted Link's sword. His eyebrows nearly vanished beneath the fringe of his hair.

"Is that... a sword?" he spluttered. "An actual... Wait..." his voice became suspicious. "Have you taken to robbing travellers that stray into the woods? Are you trying to give us all bad luck?"

No, just you, Link thought before replying tersely, "Navi gave it to me."

"A fairy giving a Kokiri a sword," Mido scoffed. "That's ridiculous. What are you planning to do with it? Cut grass?"

"Actually, I was wondering if I could stab you with it," Link said sarcastically.

Saria's sidelong look of disapproval made him regret his choice of words.

"Hmph," Mido snorted. "You wouldn't dare."

"Can I go through now?" Link asked.


"Why not?" Link demanded, his anger rising.

"You'll need a shield before I let you through."

"Where's yours then?" Link shot back.

Mido picked up a club and shield behind him. The shield was the same design as the one Link used in training. As for the club, Link was not convinced Mido could use it without smacking himself in the face.

Before he could say anything, Navi's patience- if she had any- finally snapped. "That's it! You listen to me and stop wasting our time!"

Sparks seemed to fly as Navi flew close to Mido's face, and he had to look cross-eyed to see her. "Obstructing an order by the Great Deku Tree is out of line, Mido!"

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then, to Link's horror, Mido slapped Navi away from his face. She tumbled in the air and then caught herself before she could fall.

Saria's eyes bulged and Link gasped in shock.

Deliberately harming a fairy was taboo amongst the Kokiri. Even Mido was staring at Navi with a sheepish look as Fora quickly asked if she was okay.

"You-" Link growled, stepping forward.

Saria grabbed him before he could move another foot and steered him to one side. "Let me handle this."

She let go, turned around and poked a finger at Mido's chest. "Apologize, now!"

"I didn't-"

"NOW!" Even Link took a step back when he heard Saria's fierce tone.

"Sorry," Mido squeaked, sounding like a mouse being trodden on. Navi regarded him with an icy glare.

"Are you okay, Navi?" Saria asked, the sudden ferocity gone from her voice.

"I'm fine," Navi replied stiffly.

"Now," Saria said, her voice filled with seething anger as she thrust a finger at Mido. "Do you want me to tell the Great Deku Tree that you were the reason Link took all morning to get to him and that you slapped Navi? If you don't let us through, that's exactly what I'll tell him!"

"Ok, fine. I'll let you through, but-" Mido cringed as Saria's expression grew promptly more furious. "He will need a shield... and so will you."

"You didn't make me take one last time," Saria pointed out.

"It was less dangerous yesterday," Mido explained, "and Mori tells me nobody is allowed through unarmed." Both Link and Saria looked at him sceptically. "I'm serious."

Link and Saria pondered Mido's words, sharing a look. There was a way to find out if Mido was telling the truth.

"Maybe Navi and I can look?" Fora suggested.

"We'll all go," Saria suggested. "Mido?"

"I'm not going in there," he answered quickly. "No way. I mean... shouldn't we wait for Mori to find the other Elders?"

"There's no time," Saria said, and with a sigh, she gently shoved him out of the way. Mido didn't resist.

"Wait... you can't... Saria!" There was concern in Mido's voice as he shouted, "Saria, be careful!"

Link raced to join Saria. He was careful not to touch the vines that encroached along the edges of the path, not wanting to find out what would happen if he did. Saria was just as careful and they walked in silence for a short time, passing beyond the wall and along the trail that cut a long, meandering path into the glade.  Marked with cracked and broken stones, it bore more of a resemblance to the ruins scattered throughout the Lost Woods than to any trail formed by the Kokiri, and just like the wall, it was also infested with plants that bore no resemblance to anything that grew near the Kokiri Forest. Thorny bushes clung to either side of the path, waving in mock invitation, daring either Kokiri to get closer. Think pulsating creepers thread their way across the trunks of withered trees, and a pungent odour of rot permeated the air, thick and heavy. Sickly hues of blue, purple and black replaced the vibrant green Link was so accustomed to, and the little vegetation that remained was shrivelled, black lines threading their way across the leaves like spiderwebs. The larger trees on either side of the road were withered, an inky black substance oozing from the rotting trunks. Link didn't remember any of this.

"This started around the last full moon, but lately, it's been getting worse," Saria said quietly as if afraid something in the bloated and decaying underbrush might hear them.

"What is it?" Link asked, voice equally quiet.

"I'm not sure," Saria said.

Saria let the two fairies fly ahead. They soon returned to report that Mido was indeed telling the truth. They weren't alone.

Around a bend in the path, were three rather repulsive-looking plants. Thick, elongated stems emerged from between ordinary-looking fronds, ending in bizarre clam-like mouths that were rimmed with razor-sharp teeth. One of these plants was devouring the remains of a monkey, stem bent over double as it stripped chunks of meat off the unfortunate primate, slurping noisily as it fed.

"Woah!" was Link's initial reaction, while Saria threw her arm out in front of him, halting his steps. "Mido wasn't kidding after all."

The nearest plant twitched, turning in the direction of the two intruders, despite lacking any obvious sensory organs. Its mouth yawned open, revealing the morbid pink flesh of its interior, its tongue tasting the air. It seemed to open impossibly wide, certainly wide enough to make an easy meal of a Kokiri.

"No. He wasn't," Saria agreed softly, slowly stepping back and tugging at Link's tunic. "That has to be the biggest Deku Baba I've ever seen."

Deku Babas preferred the densest regions of the Lost Woods where the trees clustered so thickly that the forest was shrouded in perpetual gloom. What was this one doing here?

As he considered what to do, Link turned to Saria, noticing her troubled frown. The thick coiling roots of the nearest Deku Baba, which hadn't been moving earlier, were now questing slowly forward, slithering like snakes towards the Kokiri. It knew they were there.

"Can you summon the forest spirits to remove those things?" Link asked. She didn't respond immediately, her gaze on the roots that were getting steadily closer. "Saria?"

Link wasn't entirely sure how it worked, but Saria's gift allowed her to communicate with animals and even some trees. She could summon animals to her aid, or calm them, but this power was not without its cost. Link knew it was immensely tiring, and more than once,  after pushing herself too hard, Saria had been left bedridden until the next day.

"I'd already thought of that," Saria replied. "They won't come near the Great Deku Tree's grove. They're afraid."

Her words sent a chill down Link's spine. What could scare a spirit, or stop the Great Deku Tree from dealing with these creatures himself? Was it something to do with what he'd seen the day before? Navi didn't give him time to dwell on the question or its implications.

"Maybe we should take Mido's advice," she suggested, as they both took a few steps back from the approaching roots.

"How's a shield going to help?" Link asked, unconvinced a slab of wood was going to be of much use.

"It will give them something to munch on," Saria suggested. "That will make them easier to deal with."

"Something other than us, you mean?" Link asked looking from the partially devoured monkey to the roots slowly inching closer, and suddenly, a shield seemed like a very sensible idea.

Great, he thought. Now Mido was going to jeer at him for not listening. Gritting his teeth, Link headed back towards the village. The heavy oppressive air of the path thinned as they reached the wall, the rank stench of decay becoming less odorous. Sure enough, Mido was right where they'd left him. Oddly, he was staring anxiously at Saria. Then he spotted Link and called out, "See? Told ya', didn't I?"

Link ignored him and went to collect two shields from Forenz's house, which was nestled high in the forest canopy, along with the other dwellings of the Kokiri Elders.

"I'm glad you ignored him that time," Saria said when they were far enough from listening ears.

"Why does he hate me so much?" he asked bluntly.

Saria looked at him, pained. "He's just jealous."

"Why?" Link asked, not sure that he understood. "Everyone thinks there's something wrong with me because I didn't have a fairy, not until today."

"That's not true," Saria scolded, pulling Link to the side of the ramp so they wouldn't get in anyone's way. She lifted his chin up with her other hand so she was looking into his eyes. "I don't think there's anything wrong with you... Mido's just jealous because that's the way he is, but he will come around. You'll see."

"Really?" Link asked. He desperately wanted to believe Saria, but he couldn't shrug off the doubt plaguing his every thought.

"Really," Saria said. She smiled, the gesture melting away Link's sombre thoughts. With a tilt of her head, she indicated the staircase. "Let's go."

With Saria close behind him, Link trekked up ramps, across bridges of woven vine, and along walkways of deku wood. Many of the Kokiri were leaving on errands in the forest, but some heads turned in Link's direction when they saw he had a fairy. Someone congratulated him, but they were one of the few. There were more than a few baleful glares and muttered insults from some of the more spiteful Kokiri. Of course, they waited till Saria wasn't looking, but Link chose to ignore them, too focused on his task. He could have told Saria, and she would have put a stop to it, but he was in too much of a hurry.

Some Kokiri cast suspicious glances at Link's sword, whispering quietly to each other, probably thinking Link had found it in the woods. More than one wandering traveller had ventured into the depths of the Kokiri's realm, only to vanish, leaving nothing but discarded gear and abandoned camps behind. Saria had told him it was bad luck to take anything. Once, according to Saria, a  small band of Kokiri had stumbled upon one such camp. Upon finding a seemingly harmless object, they'd been turned into Skull Kids- the same folk who had been exiled from their groves. Before then, some Kokiri would be assigned the task of scavenging supplies, taking whatever could be used by the Kokiri, and in some of the Kokiri groves, this practice was still considered acceptable.

As the cold looks continued, Navi looked like she wanted to say something, but she too knew they needed to hurry, so she just glanced at Link with a look of pity, while they trudged up yet more stairs and climbed higher into the tree's enormous canopy.

Finally, Link reached Forenz's house. It was a simple but messy abode built into the trunk, with a small sleeping pallet in one corner. Shelves lined one wall of the dwelling,  stacked with wooden carvings in varying stages of completion, and it was there they found Link's shield. Nobody was home, so Link retrieved two finished shields, leaving another Kokiri to tell Forenz where they were.

When they found Mido leaning against a tree trunk and watching them with folded arms, Link saw Mori sitting lazily on a nearby rock.

"This really isn't a joke?" Mido asked as the other two Kokiri stepped up to him. "Fine, Link! Go ahead." He checked to make sure Saria was busy talking to Fora and then added in a whisper, "But even with a sword, a wimp is still a wimp, huh?"

Link stepped forward, but not before Saria placed herself between them; Mido hadn't been quiet enough.

"Don't you call him that again!" she snapped, staring fire into Mido's eyes. "Now, let us through, or I'll drag you home myself,  and I'll make sure you stay there."

"Alright, alright," Mido replied, quickly stepping aside. "Just... be careful. I don't know what all those things on the path are doing there, but it can't be good."

"I know." Saria sighed, the anger draining from her words. "We'll be fine, and besides, I've seen Link practising. He's really quite good with the sword."

Link beamed at the praise, ignoring Mido's sullen stare, and stepped past him. He looked back at Saria, who was following close on his heels, and he couldn't help but notice Mido watching her, that uncharacteristically worried frown returning. Then he was beyond the wall, and Mido was out of sight.

There was a tirade of relieved mutterings from Navi as she, too, followed along.

Saria and Link rounded the corner to find the Deku Babas again. Link approached, treading lightly on the soft ground. The closest plant flickered its long serpentine tongue, hissing menacingly at him.

Link hesitated before taking a few tentative steps forward. The plant did not move.

Another step. Then another.

Link kept his eyes on the revolting menace. Its thick pulsating roots remained motionless on the ground, and Link was careful to step gently over them.

In the blink of an eye, the plant sprung forward. Link leapt back, the plant's jaw snapping shut where he'd been standing. The Deku Baba let out another angry hiss, tentacles lashing out, Link barely stepping out of the way as he swung his sword straight into the stem. His sword connected and cut right through the stem in a spray of dark fluid. The severed end crashed to the ground, and the tentacles went limp.

There was no time to celebrate. One of the other Deku Baba's had found Link's boot, the long sinuous root snapping forward, snake-like, wrapping around Link's boot with incredible speed. Link's first instinct was to try and kick himself free, but instead, he was snatched from the ground.

"Link!" Saria and Navi cried out. Saria tried to grab him, but quickly realized it was no use. One useless, wild swing later and Link dropped his sword. All he could do was kick and thrash wildly.

Before he knew what was happening, Link slammed back into the earth. He rolled onto his back and saw that he'd been deposited right in front of the plant. He saw its gaping maw and noted its sharp teeth, teeth still stained with the remnants of its last meal. It snapped towards him, a serpent striking for its kill.

Link's hand brushed against the frame of his fallen shield, and he seized it, flinging the sturdy wood over his face as the monster snapped home. It slammed against the shield with almighty force, teeth gnashing against the slab of wood that was all that stood between Link and its serrated maw. At the same moment, a glint of metal flashed across the edge of Link's vision as Saria darted in, Link's sword in hand. The plant apparently sensed Saria's approach, for it turned towards her, just as the Kokiri's sword cleaved through its stem, leaving both ends to topple to the earth.

"Thanks," Link breathed, accepting the sword Saria offered to him. His heart was thundering in his chest, and he couldn't help shaking, his limbs trembling from the sudden shock. That had been far too close.

Swallowing, Link quickly approached the third Deku Baba, sword held out, his grip every bit as unsteady as his breathing. At first, the Deku Baba ignored him. Link slowly inched forward, never taking his eyes off the creature's mouth.

With an abruptness that startled Link, two of the plant's tentacles sprang out of the ground. He hacked the first one, right before the second whipped him across the face, just beneath his eye. He cried out in shock, stumbling from the ferocious impact and almost ended up on his backside. A fourth tentacle reached for Saria, who slammed her wooden sword into it. Link slashed the appendage that snapped around his tunic, leaving it writhing in the churned earth.

"Watch out!" Navi's cry of alarm alerted Link to the Deku Baba's mouth as it sprung towards him. Stepping deftly to one side, Link slashed the plant's stem, severing it in a single, desperate swipe. "

"Have you ever seen plants move that fast?" Link asked between breaths, wiping the slime-coated sword on the withered grass.

Saria shook her head, likewise breathless. "I haven't. Are you okay?" she surveyed him critically. "Let me have a look at your eye."

"It's nothing," Link said, struggling for breath, but she was already tracing a hand along his cheek. His face stung something fierce, but it was nothing he couldn't handle.

"I'll be the judge of that," Saria said. "You're lucky," she stepped back, looking him over quickly to make sure he wasn't injured. 

"Come on you two," Navi called. She was almost in the glade now. "We're nearly there!"

"Be nice... if she asked... if we were okay," Link wheezed out.

"Don't be too hard on her," Saria said, casting a glance at Navi. "She's nice once you get to know her... trust me..."

Link nodded, glancing at the shredded greenery that had once been the Deku Baba's stems.

"Okay." With one last deep breath, Link turned and followed Navi into the clearing, breaking into a jog to put some distance between himself and the remains of the Deku Babas. 

~ 0 ~

As always, when he entered the Great Deku Tree's sacred grove, Link's attention was captivated by the enormous face carved into the trunk of the Forest Guardian. The Great Deku Tree's eyes, sculpted into the likeness of a wizened sage, gazed across his abode. Navi was already hovering frantically in front of the tree, like a small bird trying to figure out where to perch.

"I'm back!" she called. "I've brought Link with me."

"Navi. It is good you have returned. Link, Saria, welcome. I wish I had summoned you under better circumstances." The ancient spirit's voice boomed in Link's head as its mind reached out toward him. Something as bizarre as having a spirit intrude upon his thoughts and mind was entirely mundane to Link, so he wasn't at all startled.

Usually, Saria addressed the Great Deku Tree first and asked for his counsel, but it seemed the Great Deku Tree was content to dispense with that ancient tradition.

"Sorry we're late," Link called, forgetting himself. He came to a halt a few feet from one of the tree's roots. "Mido was being a pain in the butt and then these plants tried to kill us."

Saria's glare halted him in his tracks. Not only was he speaking out of line, but he was also not meant to talk to the Great Deku Tree unless invited to do so.

"I have brought you here because there is something I must tell you," said the ancient tree, paying no heed to Link's comment.

"What is it?" Link asked, taking a seat in the grass. At a scolding look from Navi, he added, "Great Father."

Normally, any Kokiri speaking to the ancient tree addressed him by title.

"There is no need for ceremony, Link," the Great Deku Tree said gently. "That goes for all of you."

Both Navi and Saria looked surprised, but they quickly hid it.

"As you have all no doubt felt," the Forest Guardian continued, his voice grave, "A shadow is growing across these lands. As the servants of evil gain strength, a vile climate pervades our realm, causing nightmares to those most sensitive to it-"

Sensitive? Link thought. I'm not sensitive!

"As I guessed, you have felt it too," the Great Deku Tree continued. His ability to read Link's thoughts did not take the boy by surprise. "There is little time to explain everything. The magic that runs through this grove and the Lost Woods has been tainted by a servant of evil, a man from the desert. The other deku trees have also been afflicted, and it was by my suggestion that they fell into a deep slumber. Their Kokiri moved here or tried to find a grove unaffected by this taint. Saria has told me of the creature you saw, and it seems our situation grows more dire."

"What-" Link began, but the Great Deku Tree ignored the interruption.

"The source of this taint is a curse. A curse placed on me."

Link gasped. So did Saria.

"Wait-"words seemed to fail Saria, her voice thick with shock. "You didn't mention a curse, only that the forest was sick. This is something worse, isn't it? I guessed as much."

Link looked at Navi, noting that she appeared neither shocked nor surprised.

She knew.

Had he known, Link would have tried to be faster. Even Mido would have been more willing to let them pass- provided he believed her.

"You knew, didn't you?" Link asked, sounding far angrier than he meant to.

Navi nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me the Great Deku Tree was cursed?" he demanded. "We're supposed to be partners!"

Navi looked hurt at the outburst, and she opened her mouth just as the Great Deku Tree spoke again. "Peace, my children. Many a harsh and foolish word has been said in anger, and you know all too well the pain it can cause, Link. Navi did not tell you because I ordered her not to. I did not want you or Saria letting slip to the other Kokiri, for if they knew we were assailed by forces beyond my control, many would undoubtedly panic. I will answer what I can in due course, but until this curse is stopped, the forest is in danger."

Link muttered an apology to Navi and then calmed himself. That was no easy feat, for it took a long moment for the Great Deku Tree's words to sink in.

He was cursed.

The Great Deku Tree was the most powerful creature Link knew. His telepathy was far stronger than the rest of his kind. He could control the minds of the wild animals, though he only ever did this to creatures that permitted it. Some of the Kokiri said he could even see through the eyes of the animals in the woods, making him privy to everything that happened within his domain.

"Then... that wall of plants around the meadow. That was your doing?" Link asked.

"No. They, and the plants you fought, are a product of the curse and a sign that my defences are weakening. The creature you saw is an offspring of this curse, and it is but one of many. I have no doubt it is the reason behind the disappearance of young Brynn's hounds. If it were not for the fact that the woods are well patrolled, I have no doubt that they would have turned their attention on the Kokiri. With each passing day their food grows scarce, so I cannot offer that protection for much longer."

"How do we stop them?" Link asked, feeling more and more alarmed. There had to be something he could do to help. "We can make you better, can't we? Tell me what you need and I'll get it."

He'd been thinking of Saria's herbs that she used to cure various ailments. Then it occurred to him that these might not be much use to a tree.

"Hold fast to your determination, Link, for you will need it." There was a note of pride in the Forest Guardian's voice. "You must break the curse within me. Use the wisdom Saria and I taught you, and the courage you have always had. Remember that, Link, should your steps falter."

I have to break a curse caused by something stronger than the Great Deku Tree?

Link did not understand how he was supposed to do that, but he also knew the Great Deku Tree would not have asked him if the task was impossible.

"Will you do this, Link?" the Great Deku Tree asked.

Link felt anything but courageous at the idea of taking on something with the power to curse the Great Deku Tree, but despite this, he nodded. "I will, Great Father."

In response to Link's affirmation, the earth groaned, and there was a loud pop as the root in front of him moved. The soil beneath it collapsed, revealing the massive burrow-like hole it had been covering.

"Then enter, brave Link," said the Great Deku Tree.

Link approached the tree. Closer, he could see markings drawn into the trunk. They were pictures of animals sacred to the Kokiri. There were seven in total, including the symbol of a wolf- the symbol of courage and the lord of the hunt.

Link focused his attention on the gaping hole that lay before him. He examined the roots, noting the deep wounds in the wood where something had been clawing and chewing at the tree.

What could've done that? He wondered. A parasite?

The Great Deku Tree's magic wards prevented afflictions like insect parasites from troubling him. Judging from the size of those markings, whatever had done this was much larger than an insect.

Deeper into the tunnel's maw, he could make out small crisscrossing vines, a mouldy brown, and no thicker than his arm, not unlike the ones infesting the wall and the outskirts of the glade.

What is that?

Link grabbed a stick and poked at one of the vines growing along the side of the tunnel. It was wet and slimy, like the skin of a frog, and it moved at the slightest touch, wriggling worm-like. Already, Link noted, they were slithering away from the light, retreating into the darkness. As they did, Link could see a strange growth clinging to the walls of the passage, like some sort of slimy brown mould.

Link didn't like this at all.

Link turned to face Saria as she too gazed down the hole. That was when the Great Deku Tree added, "Saria, I must ask you to remain here. I have a task for you."

Saria regarded the tree and nodded, the slightest twitch of a frown revealing her displeasure at leaving Link to venture into whatever lay beneath the Great Deku Tree.

"You must trust my judgement, Saria. Link is more than capable of this feat. I would not ask it, otherwise, and help will be at hand if anything should go awry."

"Of course," Saria said, still with a slight frown. Worry cast a shadow over them both, and there was a slight tremor in Saria's voice. "Be careful. Okay?"

"I will be," Link replied, wishing he sounded more confident.

"Someone approaches," the Great Deku Tree warned.

The sound of rustling leaves and the faint crunch of footfalls alerted him to somebody entering the glade. He turned to see Mido peering around a rocky outcrop, his face white. Link knew he'd been eavesdropping. For how long, he wasn't sure.

Thanks for helping, Link wanted to say. He decided against it. Instead, he called out angrily, "What are you doing here?"

"I want to come. The Great Deku Tree is my father too-" Mido called as he approached the tree's roots. "I heard you yelling that he was cursed...his eyes turned from Link to the Great Deku Tree. "Is it true, Great Father?"

Link didn't hear whatever passed between Mido and the Great Deku Tree. Whatever it was, Mido looked alarmed.

"Please, Great Deku Tree, I want to help too!" the boy said aloud.

Link was about to object when the Great Deku Tree's mind touched him again. He spoke to both Kokiri.

"Very well, Mido. Consider this an opportunity to make amends with Link. You are capable of much more than you have recently aspired to, though you may not see it now."

Mido almost looked ashamed, eyes averted from the tree. Meanwhile, Mori made a noise like a protest but consented to go.

"I must warn you," the Great Deku Tree told them both. "What awaits you inside is far deadlier than the plants you just fought."

"Don't worry. I'll handle it," Link piped up, putting on a courageous face. "I've been practising how to use a sword with Forenz!"

Mido made a noise, followed by a squeak when Mori swatted his ear. The pair exchanged glares and then Mido looked away.

"I commend your enthusiasm, but remember, a sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage," the Great Deku Tree cautioned, ignoring the exchange between Mido and his fairy.

As Link stared down the hole, his flickering burst of bravery seemed to falter for an instant.

It looks like a burrow, he thought, examining the tunnel. No animal I know makes a hole that size.

Given its size, Link doubted the creature he'd seen could have made this tunnel.

"All right," he said at last, straightening and looking over his shoulder at Mido. "You want to lead, Mido?"

"You're the one with a sword," Mido pointed out.

Eyeing Mido's club and deciding not to call Mido out for being a wimp- which would have been fair payback- Link led the way.

They left the light of the glade and descended into the tunnel. Tendrils of fleshy tentacles branched off the vines along the wall, and more than once, he stepped on them with a horrid squelch. Link almost stumbled, the darkness closing in around him on all sides. The air was thick with the stink of rot... 

They had not gotten far when Mido stopped in his tracks. Link noticed the older boy was no longer beside him and turned. He was half in mind to ask if Mido was having second thoughts, but something made him pause.

The boy was frozen stiff,  an expression of utter terror on his face, his mouth half-open, his eyes wide.

"What-" Mido stammered, finding his voice. "What is that?"

"What's what?" Link demanded.

Then he heard it, right before Mido pointed a trembling finger. A faint hiss whispered through the darkness, and just on the edge of his hearing, Link could hear a clicking sound. He spun around.

Something was scuttling towards them.

As it got closer, Link saw its front legs. The long, shiny limbs of a spider, its legs thicker than tree trunks. Fangs, like thick black spears, dripped with venom.

The creature hissed, and Link found himself looking into the eyes of the giant arachnid. The dorsal portion of its abdomen had a hard shell, shaped like a white human skull, and all the while, its mandibles clicked in eager anticipation of a juicy meal.

"ARRGHHH!" Mido gave an ear-piercing scream and ran back up the tunnel as fast as he could.

Next Chapter


FakeJake93 chapter 3 . Aug 22
I'm very interested to see where Navi's character development goes. In game, she always seemed pretty underdeveloped ("I am a companion meant to help you & provide information" and not much more), so I'm excited to see what liberties you take.

Very cool to see the horror-esque depictions of the Deku Babas and the Skulltulas. Makes me excited (nervous?) to meet Gohma.

I think it's a really great call to include Mido... even if he did run back out immediately, lol. Nice, light-hearted way to end the chapter.

Also never would've thought the Kokiri had customs about how to address the Deku Tree (like calling him Great Father), but it makes a lot of sense and is a cool detail. I'd say a HUGE strength in your writing so far is adding dimension/texture to the video game world through interesting world building.
 Unicadia chapter 3 . Nov 23, 2016
Good job with this next chapter! The ending was interesting and exciting. Some things to look out for:

" "Go away!" Link moaned, . . ." Link's acting like he doesn't want to wake up here, but wouldn't he want to since he's having a nightmare?

"Hd he let out . . ." 'Hd' must be a typo. :p

". . . he quickly got ready. He quickly swept . . ." Two 'quickly's close together.

"Saria's eyes bulged. and Link gasped in shock." You should eliminate the period between 'bulged' and 'and'.

You should also mention: the size of fairies and Link's paler skin much earlier on, like in the prologue or the first chapter.

Now some stuff I liked.

"The only difference between her and the one in his dream was this fairy had her hands on her hips and her lips pursed." So funny! I love the fairies.

"Umm. . . how about, no . . ." Navi's so funny! I like how even though this is an archaic fantasy world, you inject modern-sounding phrases into the dialogue and descriptions. It makes it funny and interesting.

Great job! I hope you can find another person to look over this for you. :)
 SunPraiser31 chapter 3 . Aug 25, 2016
More good character building moments here. Mido going from being just a wall to block progress and actually being a sort of rival of Link's is a nice touch. His reaction to the skull spider is about the same one I had lol.

Kinda hoping that Saria tags along for at least part of his quest. Really liking her dynamic with Link right now.
Barbacar chapter 3 . Aug 3, 2016The story's getting interesting, and I'm interested in seeing what comes next
 acctdisabled chapter 3 . Mar 1, 2016
I am so behind on giving this story proper reviews, but hopefully today will be the start of getting back on track. I liked the incorporation of the infamous dream in this chapter- and of course, there’s a rather morbid but good twist on the dream that made it all the more intense.

Nice use of ‘lazy boy’ into the dialogue, and certainly was a nice contrast between Link’s dream about Navi. Navi seems to have more personality, but you’ve hit the right amount- sometimes people go too far and make her sound like Tatl. L

I’m very surprised (but in a good way!) that Navi told Mido off. Already, your version of Navi is making a great impression without going OOC. The incorporation of the enemies flowed well, but I would recommend capitalizing them (i.e, Deku Babas). From the dialogue describing the children’s reactions to Link having a sword, I would suggest adding a few dialogue tags; not a ton, but its a good method to introduce the other Kokiri for characterization purposes.

Saria is definitely more assertive than her game counterpart, but I think it works contextually given the way Link’s the outcast. I enjoyed the dynamic of her not tolerating Mido’s crap, which is a good departure. I was not surprised in the bit Mido barged in and wanted to help- reminded me of the manga.

One suggestion I have is considering breaking up the scenes- there’s at least two distinct scenes in this chapter. For example, after defeating the Deku Baba’s a new scene with introducing the Great Deku Tree would nicely transition the chapter’s tone, since it obviously takes on a more ominous tone.

Just as a minor suggestion, since I’ve started betaing I have noticed lines such as [“Dialogue,” Link moaned, his eyes scrunched shut at the…] An easy fix, but you want to close off the dialogue tag and restart a new sentence when a new idea reemerges.

Nicely done! That was a good cliffhanger to end it on- you didn't waste any time starting the action!
 Norkix chapter 3 . May 22, 2015
Boy, Navi's got a hell of a 'tude. I have to say that her personality is a lot closer to Tatl's than the Navi from the original game. I know you said you were going to take liberties, but that is a huge change in my opinion. Not saying it's bad, though! You handle it well, and tsundere companions are something the writers of the games are fond of, so in a way, you are keeping to the Zelda spirit.

You've really made the Kokiri a lot more interesting than they were in the game. I never thought that there might be settlements other than the one Link grew up in, and your Deku Tree is COOL. That is not something I ever thought I would say! XD I was honestly expecting Saria to be accompanying Link here. I feel like she wouldn't have been as much of a wimp as Mido apparently is. Didn't he call Link a wimp? Ha! What a loser!

I apologize if you find your inbox flooded with my reviews in the morning XD I try to review as many chapters as I can (you can thank ZeldaRubix for instilling that habit in me). Personally, I enjoy when people do this and leave their thoughts on the story as they read it. If you find it annoying or overwhelming in any way, just tell me to stop lol.


 Local Minstrel chapter 3 . Sep 16, 2014
This chapter seems to have been a bit rushed. I noticed quite a few run-on sentences, with some typos in between. Also, the characters' names seemed to be getting a bit redundant. And a consistency error, one "Gohma" among all the other "gohma"s. And I might have missed the bit where Link packed a slingshot in his pack.

But picky, picky, picky me! Rest assured, I do it with the best intentions - of helping you make this the best Ocarina of Time fanfic on this website!

Your friendly critic,
The Local Minstrel
 D.J. Scales chapter 3 . Jan 29, 2011
The Deku Tree seems to be much older than the tree in the Wind Waker? I wonder if we get to see Fado and Laruto? Still even though I'm more familiar with the Wind Waker I'm starting to like this story.
 AI123 chapter 3 . Jan 22, 2007
Interesting start, i'll read the rest later when i have more time. However would it be ok for you to read my Zelda Story The War Of Time and tell me what you think?

Thanks again and keep it up

 Greki chapter 3 . Jun 21, 2006
Oh, this seems to be a promising novelization, indeed. Just keep up that good work!


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